Category: Social Media - Page 74

The LOL on Twitter: Is It Genuine or Bogus?

The LOL on Twitter: Is It Genuine or Bogus?

I wrote an article here on Bit Rebels about an app that shows you if you talk too much. In that article, some interesting conversation began in the c ...

10 Ways To Secure A Successful Tweet

Millions and millions of tweets are written every day and most of them pass by our eyes like their life span never began at all. There a bunch of fac ...

How To Turn Browsing Time Suck Into Social Media Time Saver

Two of the biggest obstacles to succeeding (and by succeeding I mean, being consistently active) in social media are: 1) Feeling that you don’t hav ...

5 Traits A Blogger Must Have for Longevity!

When you contemplate starting a blog site, there are a lot of considerations that you need to factor in like content, design, which theme to use and w ...
Social Media Monitoring Tool for Business!

Social Media Monitoring Tool for Business!

Social Media is changing the way we communicate our messages and how they are received by the people that reach them.  Social media platforms are the ...

Should There Be A Rule About Following People On Twitter?

Twitter is a great platform to share and learn. The basics are that Twitter allows one to share links, quotations, thoughts, feelings and what they a ...
Help #NYChaos win the #ChevySXSW and keep NY pride alive.

Help #NYChaos win the #ChevySXSW and keep NY pride alive.

I'm sure you're probably wondering what that all means? No problem, that's why I'm here to help you understand. ***WE HAVE UNTIL MARCH 10th (THAT'S T ...
One Minute Twitter Bird Film To Make You Smile

One Minute Twitter Bird Film To Make You Smile

Twitter is a part of my everyday life, as it probably is yours. I am often tweeting at home, while I’m working. Many times there is a laundry basket ...

Unique Ways to Use Twitter!

If you  read my post on the 10 Different Ways to Use Twitter here on Bit Rebels, you will notice that there are comments on the post asking for other ...

Social Media Tip | Make Sure You Follow Through!

So many people are embracing Social Media.  It's great seeing people getting their news from Twitter. Now, watching reruns is no longer a hassle, no ...

5 Things To Gain From Writing!

Writing is my passion next to drawing and sketching!  When I started my personal blog, I never thought that I would gain so much from it that an ordin ...

Online Spelling and Grammar Help for Writers!

There are so many new applications that are created each day!  It's a good thing we have so many developers that seek out ways to create applications ...

Twitter History Was Made! | Details On The 10 Billionth Tweet

It’s been so much fun on Twitter the past few days as everyone waited in anticipation to see who would be the one that was lucky enough to send the 10 ...
A Twitter Milestone: The 10,000,000,000 Tweet!

A Twitter Milestone: The 10,000,000,000 Tweet!

Soon Twitter will reach a major milestone in its history and the 10,000,000,000th tweet will be sent! I think this is reason enough for a big Twitter ...

10 Different Ways To Use Twitter!

Twitter has evolved far beyond people updating their status messages with what they are doing. Twitter has even changed that question, "What is Happe ...
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