Search query: art

Discover iPhone Apps From People You Trust!

Discover iPhone Apps From People You Trust!

Chorus is a fun and free way to discover hot new iPhone apps from the people you trust most - your friends! Finding the right app can be hard. Cho ...
WOW | Genius way to describe great design!

WOW | Genius way to describe great design!

I am laughing. I am staring at the screen at this crazy guy that I knew but still didn't. I have used his designs. I have seen his creations and so ha ...
15 Features of Google Wave| Step by Step

15 Features of Google Wave| Step by Step

One of the aims of Bitrebels is to always make sure that we do not just write about existing technologies but also aid you whenever we can.  If you al ...
Shoo Fly Don’t Bother Me!! | Flying Banner Ads!

Shoo Fly Don’t Bother Me!! | Flying Banner Ads!

In a trade show, getting people to go to your booth is quiet a challenge specially if there are so many participating companies there with you.  Compa ...

Internet | As you’ve never thought of it

Recently stumbled over a video that I got one of the weeks biggest laughs to. Not only did it entertain me it also made me think. It made me think abo ...
How To: Get Rid of Writer’s Block

How To: Get Rid of Writer’s Block

It’s 10pm, you finally sat down to relax and update your blog. You get comfortable, turn on some music, and stare at your computer screen. Nothing. ...
3 Must Have Photo App for your iPhone

3 Must Have Photo App for your iPhone

Having your built in camera on the iPhone is fun, but there are times when it gets a bit frustrating because you don't have a built in flash and zoom ...
Social Media Idiot | A Company View

Social Media Idiot | A Company View

Alright, the Social Media word in itself has probably been used so many times this past year that it's starting to have the same impact as the moon ha ...
Even Airlines Are Going Green!

Even Airlines Are Going Green!

Yes  its true even the airlines are going green.  Here is the Green Plane!  More and more companies are getting involved and making sure that our chil ...

Don’t Miss These 5 Things About Google Wave!

A few nights ago as I was playing on the wave, I learned how to embed video, MP3s, websites and many other very fun things that would make any self pr ...
Make Time to Take Care of Yourself!

Make Time to Take Care of Yourself!

Busy, everyone is always busy all the time but taking a "me" day or a "me" break  is always more beneficial.   Taking time to relax and de stress from ...
For Your Inspiration: Colors, Colors & More Colors

For Your Inspiration: Colors, Colors & More Colors

I’m always creatively inspired by bright colorful images. So much so that I started to wonder if our brain is actually stimulated creatively more by ...

How To: Live Greener By Reusing Everyday Items

One simple thing we can all do to be kind to the environment is reduce the amount of trash we produce. According to the video below, between Thanksgi ...

Conversation with Evan Williams @ Web 2.0

Very interesting conversation between John Battelle and Twitter co-Founder Evan Williams @ Web 2.0. Summit.  They discussed a lot of very interesting ...

Build Your Own Wii in 10 Minutes

This post was inspired by my friend on Twitter @toad_mario. We would always talk about how he loved playing Wii.  So I decided to research and see if ...
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