How To: Make Your Brain Bigger In Only 3 Months

How To: Make Your Brain Bigger In Only 3 Months

This is going to blow your mind, so I’ve linked all my sources at the bottom of this article because if you see it, you might believe it. This was a ...

5 Things To Gain From Writing!

Writing is my passion next to drawing and sketching!  When I started my personal blog, I never thought that I would gain so much from it that an ordin ...
Augmented Reality Tattoo | Next Gen Skin Art

Augmented Reality Tattoo | Next Gen Skin Art

I am a moderately tattooed guy that feels the start of a fanatic interest to get more tattoos. I can honestly say that I have a million ideas for tat ...

Create A Web Page With A Personal Touch!

We saw so much influx in the social media realm in 2009 and it is still growing. Just in my country, according to iHub, 10,000,000 people are already ...
Personal Jet Pack | Only $75,000!

Personal Jet Pack | Only $75,000!

Alright, I think I just found something that made my whole existence so much more exciting. I am eagerly and patiently awaiting the nearby future whi ...
Fall In Love With Oreo Cookies All Over Again!

Fall In Love With Oreo Cookies All Over Again!

We are inundated with advertising every day. It is nauseating sometimes, isn’t it? It is everywhere. I think that is why I enjoy escaping to the wo ...
Infinity Dominos | No More Setting Them Up

Infinity Dominos | No More Setting Them Up

Dominos are of course a game, but they are more famous for their falling ability. When mentioning Dominos, everyone thinks about those huge setups wh ...

Online Spelling and Grammar Help for Writers!

There are so many new applications that are created each day!  It's a good thing we have so many developers that seek out ways to create applications ...
Cruise Ship vs. Rogue Wave

Cruise Ship vs. Rogue Wave

Do you like the ocean? What about cruises? I like to take my son to the beach, but I won’t get in the water above my waist. I don’t know how to swi ...
How To Create Animated and Talking Pictures!

How To Create Animated and Talking Pictures!

After we take pictures, we either make a scrap book or upload them to our favorite social networking sites so we can share them with all our friends a ...
2 Years In The Making | Star Wars LEGO Space Ship

2 Years In The Making | Star Wars LEGO Space Ship

"Patience is a virtue" as the saying goes. And indeed it is, the more the better. I want to think I sport a good portion of it, but compared to Paul ...
Introducing: Inhalable Chocolate and Coffee

Introducing: Inhalable Chocolate and Coffee

Harvard University is a very special place to me, I have ties there that always bring happy thoughts. My son's grandfather was a Quarterback at Harva ...
Cool Spoof | Here It Goes Again!

Cool Spoof | Here It Goes Again!

I am sure that you have already seen the video of the four guys who amazingly danced on the treadmill.  I love that video as I was truly impressed by ...
Space Invaders | In Real Life!

Space Invaders | In Real Life!

I remember playing Space Invaders at the local arcade and spending a lot of coins on that game. It was probably one of the last, still functional, ar ...

Twitter History Was Made! | Details On The 10 Billionth Tweet

It’s been so much fun on Twitter the past few days as everyone waited in anticipation to see who would be the one that was lucky enough to send the 10 ...
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