FaceBook Games 101

FaceBook Games 101

Facebook is fast growing social networking site and for those of you who are on FaceBook you will notice that aside from updating status, uploading pi ...
Photohops CS5 | PatchMatch Feature – O M G!

Photohops CS5 | PatchMatch Feature – O M G!

Just when I thought I had seen it all I stumble over a few more features coming up in the next edition of the most used image processing software Phot ...
Win A Google Wave Invite From Bit Rebels!

Win A Google Wave Invite From Bit Rebels!

We appreciate our readers here at Bit Rebels and we read all of your comments and feedback. One thing you’ve left in your comments over and over is h ...
Google Wave: A Dizzy Business Meeting

Google Wave: A Dizzy Business Meeting

Recently, we had our first BitRebels business meeting on Google Wave. Although, I am not sure how much "business" was being conducted with the dizzine ...

Lost Inside Google Wave? 5 Waves To Make Your Life Easier

If you are brand new to Google Wave (aren’t we all?) and a bit confused, then you are going to love this post. The goal here is to point you in the r ...
Google Wave: Extensions

Google Wave: Extensions

So we've played around in wave a few weeks, while its fun and crazy at the same time when all your contacts are online at the same time. So until we a ...
The Complete Guide To Google Wave | Manual

The Complete Guide To Google Wave | Manual

There are so many articles already written about Google Wave, the web-based service, computing platform, and communications protocol designed to merg ...
Still Don’t Have a Google Wave Invite? Don’t Fret

Still Don’t Have a Google Wave Invite? Don’t Fret

Diana posted an article earlier on about How To| Finally get a Google Wave Invite. But have you ever thought why getting it was not so easy?  well the ...
Google Wave | The Ultimate Guide

Google Wave | The Ultimate Guide

It's quite clear that everything that has to do with Google wave is in everyone's interest right now. It doesn't matter if Google Wave really just add ...
How To: Be Active On Twitter Without Getting Burned Out!

How To: Be Active On Twitter Without Getting Burned Out!

If you are like me, you love Twitter. Since I work from home most days, having my TweetDeck open all day is as natural to me as having my email open. ...
Listiti – Google alert Meets Twitter Lists

Listiti – Google alert Meets Twitter Lists

Here is cool tool Listiti - Its a tool that enables you to get alerts when someone from your Twitter list Tweets an update.   Monitor Twitter Lists fo ...
Photographer Chronicle: Face Off with A Dangerous Predator

Photographer Chronicle: Face Off with A Dangerous Predator

Always great to view  beautiful pictures on magazines, books and on the web.  Some photographers, mostly the great ones really risk their lives and li ...
How To Beat Your Friends at Bejeweled Blitz

How To Beat Your Friends at Bejeweled Blitz

There are not many games I play on Facebook, I just cant find the time. However, there is one game I do play called Bejeweled Blitz because it only la ...
Check Out The World’s Largest Diamond

Check Out The World’s Largest Diamond

A diamond is a symbol of beauty, love, wealth and strength (it's the hardest known natural material). Diamond engagement rings can be traced back to ...
CS5 User Interface Mod – Amazing! | Photoshop

CS5 User Interface Mod – Amazing! | Photoshop

Working in the same environment day out and day in can get somewhat tedious and boring. I usually do something to make each day different whether it i ...
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