Search query: apple iphone

What It’s Really Like To Be A Working Mom [2 Infographics]

What It’s Really Like To Be A Working Mom [2 Infographics]

For me, being a working mom is just part of life. I only have one child, and he's eleven years old now, so I'm beyond the stage of changing diapers wh ...
Happy Hour Nerd Mojitos At The Candy Cocktail Bar

Happy Hour Nerd Mojitos At The Candy Cocktail Bar

Ever wondered where Wonka goes to get plastered with the wicked witch when Hansel and Gretel are licking the doors and eating the gingerbread ceiling? ...
100 Photography Tips For Seriously Better Pictures [Infographic]

100 Photography Tips For Seriously Better Pictures [Infographic]

When it comes to photography, I must say that I am still in my infancy. I'm not so much talking about the technical part, but rather finding the time ...
Next Generation Newspapers Double As Wall Mounted Info Hubs

Next Generation Newspapers Double As Wall Mounted Info Hubs

There has been a revolution when it comes to online news, and how it is delivered. The iPad and all the other tablets have served as a catalyst when i ...
Clipix: The Tool That Will Organize Your Life Like A Ninja

Clipix: The Tool That Will Organize Your Life Like A Ninja

Did you know that ninjas can run 100 miles on their hands, they can secretly live in your house for days, and they can dodge bullets? Only a ninja can ...
Trekkies: Microsoft Creates The First Universal Translator

Trekkies: Microsoft Creates The First Universal Translator

Just four short months ago, I wrote an article about Star Trek Technologies and how close we are to achieving each one. I think I can speak for most t ...
What The iPad Would Look Like In 1935

What The iPad Would Look Like In 1935

So the day finally arrived yesterday when Apple announced The New iPad. I specifically noticed they didn't call it the iPad 3. Does anyone know the re ...
iPad 3: Every Leaked Part Assembled [Video]

iPad 3: Every Leaked Part Assembled [Video]

We are all eagerly awaiting the day when Apple shares what they have been working on. The whole industry is, and even though it might not be something ...
Panic Room: Bedroom Design That Illustrates Both Creativity & Logic

Panic Room: Bedroom Design That Illustrates Both Creativity & Logic

I was just talking to a friend of mine at Apple yesterday, and he asked me what ear I put my iPhone up to when I answer it. He went on to explain that ...
Move Over George Jetson, The Future Is Now (Mobile Video Chat)

Move Over George Jetson, The Future Is Now (Mobile Video Chat)

I don't know about you, but there were two pieces of technology on the Jetsons that used to make me drool: flying cars and video calls - although now, ...
Rare Look At Steve Jobs From 1984

Rare Look At Steve Jobs From 1984

When you look into the eyes of Steve Jobs in this photograph below, which was taken in 1984, you can see so much. It's almost as if he knew he was abo ...
Type-N-Walk App For Clumsy People: Text & Tweet While Walking

Type-N-Walk App For Clumsy People: Text & Tweet While Walking

Can you walk and text at the same time? I can't. I've busted my butt more than once trying to do it. It's even more frustrating for me to tweet while ...
How To: Use A DSLR & An iPad To Take Great Instagram Photos

How To: Use A DSLR & An iPad To Take Great Instagram Photos

At the risk of angering the iPhoneography police, I recently started using my DSLR to improve the quality of my Instagram photos. Don't get me wrong. ...
Words With Friends App: An Award-Winning Crossword Puzzle Game

Words With Friends App: An Award-Winning Crossword Puzzle Game

Not long ago, a family member gave me the Apple iPad 2 as a gift. Not having an iPhone and having never used a high-tech tablet before, I wasn't sure ...
10 Most Pirated Movies Of All Time [Infographic]

10 Most Pirated Movies Of All Time [Infographic]

With the SOPA bill now on ice, and with the movie industry scrambling to push more money in for yet another bill that will stop the piracy of their cr ...
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