Search query: apple iphone

Lego Cl!ck | A Place for Inspiration

Lego Cl!ck | A Place for Inspiration

If you love LEGO then you might just want to visit Lego Cl!ck.  LEGO Cl!ck is a new site that was launched for people to share their LEGO photos for i ...
Have we finally cracked the Hologram secret?

Have we finally cracked the Hologram secret?

As much as I hope and want to believe this is truly a wonderful and working way of showing holographic images, I can't but wonder and keep being skept ...
The Twitter App Store | All things Twitter!

The Twitter App Store | All things Twitter!

Everyone is buying apps today and there seems to be no shortage of ideas on what they should do to enhance or simplify our living in every way possibl ...
Check out the new “Stick Keyboard” | Foldable Keyboard

Check out the new “Stick Keyboard” | Foldable Keyboard

Are you tired of bulky keyboards around the desk and also when you travel? Well, join the many millions of people that would truly like to be able to ...
2010 – The year of Cell Phone Projectors!

2010 – The year of Cell Phone Projectors!

There is a pile of new things coming out on the market in 2010. Not only some rather cool new tablet's and cell phones but also some rather unique and ...
Have you seen the awesome Tablet/Computer?

Have you seen the awesome Tablet/Computer?

Apple is working hard on finalizing their new iSlate or Tablet (depending on who you talk to). Word is that they will most likely announce their table ...
DELL Touchscreen Android is HUGE!

DELL Touchscreen Android is HUGE!

2009 introduced a lot of new phones and pretty much most of them didn't even touch the success of the iPhone. I even feel like the iPhone is falling b ...
Taking Notes Made Easy!

Taking Notes Made Easy!

Life is fast paced, being on the go always, and having tools that enable us to be productive and efficient is important. I am one of those who needs ...
How To: Replace your iPod battery!

How To: Replace your iPod battery!

Everyone that has ever had an iPod knows that looking inside it is quite a feat. It's glued shut and it's super hard to get inside. But still the batt ...
How To: Make the Most Expensive Christmas Card

How To: Make the Most Expensive Christmas Card

Sending Christmas Cards is one of the more popular ways to show your loved ones you care this Holiday Season. I was doing a research for my most expen ...
Bitrebels ©h®is™@s g33k wish list

Bitrebels ©h®is™@s g33k wish list

Have you been thinking about your wish list all year? If you haven't finished all your Christmas shopping last week and need a pressie for the geek in ...
What is Google Docs? Do you use them?

What is Google Docs? Do you use them?

I recently discovered Google docs and man was it such a great way to be super productive. Google Docs i s a free, Web-based word processor, spreadshe ...
Foofbag or Foofpod?!

Foofbag or Foofpod?!

Yes you read it right! Foofbag and Foofpod.   Welcome to foof. Where they make the stylish 'foofbag' Apple laptop sleeve for the MacBook range ...
The 5 Most Influential People in Mobile Tech

The 5 Most Influential People in Mobile Tech

Laptop Magazine released their list of the 25 Most Influential People in Mobile Tech last month and it reads like a who's who of creative geniuses. ...
Make Phone Calls Using iPod Touch

Make Phone Calls Using iPod Touch

With all the hype surrounding the upcoming iPod Touch, I am excited to get my hands on one to check it out. Rumor has it that this new iPod Touch wil ...
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