Search query: art

Cool Cupcake Creations | Food Inspiration

Cool Cupcake Creations | Food Inspiration

I really don't have much of a sweet tooth, but one thing is for sure, I love cup cakes. I can't seem to say no when someone offers me one! Especially ...
The $108,880 iPhone Case | The Ultimate In Bling Bling

The $108,880 iPhone Case | The Ultimate In Bling Bling

I don’t judge anyone for how they spend their money; to me, it’s a personal decision. Different things are important to different people; however, so ...

Free Online Image Editors!

If you blog or write articles that require precise image sizes or if you love image manipulation of your personal photos or works, then you obviously ...
A Twitter Milestone: The 10,000,000,000 Tweet!

A Twitter Milestone: The 10,000,000,000 Tweet!

Soon Twitter will reach a major milestone in its history and the 10,000,000,000th tweet will be sent! I think this is reason enough for a big Twitter ...

10 Different Ways To Use Twitter!

Twitter has evolved far beyond people updating their status messages with what they are doing. Twitter has even changed that question, "What is Happe ...
Gummy Bear Chandelier | Sweet Glowing Nom Nom

Gummy Bear Chandelier | Sweet Glowing Nom Nom

It is quite apparent that people around the world are eating more and more sugar. That means more and more people are getting a sweet tooth that they ...
16 Unusual Alice In Wonderland Inspired Designs

16 Unusual Alice In Wonderland Inspired Designs

The countdown has begun. There are only four days left until Disney’s much anticipated Alice in Wonderland hits movie theaters (along with Johnny Dep ...
Jet Propulsion Supercars | Speeding Is Imminent

Jet Propulsion Supercars | Speeding Is Imminent

Sports cars get more and more sophisticated and today not even a regular family car can be properly serviced without a certified technician who will b ...
Twitter Is the Best Source of Online News!

Twitter Is the Best Source of Online News!

I get most of my news from my Twitter Stream!  Just last Saturday, I got home at around 10:30 pm I opened my Twitter stream and found some messages fr ...
Behind the Scenes: Jason Pollock for #Obamatweeter Video

Behind the Scenes: Jason Pollock for #Obamatweeter Video

It all began about two weeks ago when President Obama announced on his website that he was looking for a new Social Networks Manager. In other words, ...
Now You Will Always Know Where Your Balls Are

Now You Will Always Know Where Your Balls Are

I was not one of those European soccer playing lads when I was younger. I stayed on the track and field doing my best shed some time off of my hundred ...
Go! Discover and Share!

Go! Discover and Share!

There is a cool application that I have downloaded on my iPhone recently where it lets me discover places, check in to the place and also share to my ...
Interactive Sneakers!

Interactive Sneakers!

In the old days, sneakers were just plainly used for walking, playing sports, or simply looking great! But thanks to technology, owning a pair of rub ...
Tell Me, Why Do You Love Twitter?

Tell Me, Why Do You Love Twitter?

I love it that a lot of people have really been so engaging and now love Twitter like I do! When I started tweeting there were only a few people I kn ...
15 Entertaining Toilet Paper Designs

15 Entertaining Toilet Paper Designs

We’ve written about toilet paper on Bit Rebels before. As a matter of fact, when I did a search, I was surprised at how many times toilet paper has b ...
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