Search query: car

How To: Turn Your Avatar Into A Video

How To: Turn Your Avatar Into A Video

We use an avatar for our social networking sites to allow people to recognize us. Some people use their own photos, while others use a cartooned vers ...
This Rooftop Pool Is A Deadly Swim!

This Rooftop Pool Is A Deadly Swim!

I never thought I'd say this, but I am actually scared of swimming in a pool. Yeah I know, it's odd and very lame if you just reference those words i ...
Here Is The World’s First Bionic…Cat!

Here Is The World’s First Bionic…Cat!

Everyone deserves a second chance. Not long ago I sent a tweet saying "Life is all about making mistakes. All you have to do is make sure you don't m ...
How To: Make A Ninja J Drink

How To: Make A Ninja J Drink

It's Saturday (it really is when i am writing this), and it's hot like a mofo. All you want is a cold drink to cool your brain a little so you can ke ...
Insanely Fast And Liquid Cooled PC Is…Small!

Insanely Fast And Liquid Cooled PC Is…Small!

We are all used to computers that have fans to cool the processor and the interior components. Über fast computers are usually turbo-ed up gamer comp ...
Fanatical Bubble Wrap Poppers – This Is For You!

Fanatical Bubble Wrap Poppers – This Is For You!

What is it with our bubble wrap fascination? I just had a package delivered a few minutes ago, and my son and I both grabbed pieces of bubble wrap to ...
An Aluminum Can Romance With A Happy Ending!

An Aluminum Can Romance With A Happy Ending!

I wrote an article about a zombie wedding a few days ago. It was interesting and fun, but I have to admit, I think this story beats that one hands do ...
How To: Make An iPad Stand From Its Own Packing Materials

How To: Make An iPad Stand From Its Own Packing Materials

We've seen so many people get creative with their iPads, haven't we? We've seen folks figure out how to add a camera, how to make a homemade stylus a ...
7 Steps To Building Your Online Identity

7 Steps To Building Your Online Identity

There are so many personalities online that we admire and often emulate. However, building our own online identity is not that simple. It takes a lo ...
Fun Food Inspired Flip Flops – Nom Nom!

Fun Food Inspired Flip Flops – Nom Nom!

Yesterday, Richard wrote an article about Edible Accessories. It got me thinking, if you are going to carry an edible handbag or wear an edible belt, ...
The World’s Most Expensive Sushi

The World’s Most Expensive Sushi

I can't relate to this at all, but imagine if you were a very wealthy person with lots of money to blow. What would be something you might drop a cou ...
How To: Mend A Broken Heart

How To: Mend A Broken Heart

People have been coming up to me and telling me how much strength I have. Well, to be quite honest, I am just like any other person who has gone thro ...
Now Your Plants Can Tweet Too!

Now Your Plants Can Tweet Too!

It's social media day today, and it seems that social media is truly here to stay. Of course, this is thanks to Twitter, YouTube and FaceBook. More ...
Tech Inspired Accessories- Unleash Your Inner Geek

Tech Inspired Accessories- Unleash Your Inner Geek

With more and more people interested in technology, you can pretty much now see the people that can be classified as a techie or a gadget geek just by ...
When FaceBook Connect Truly Connects!

When FaceBook Connect Truly Connects!

For those of you who have been using FaceBook, you've probably seen that people on there share a lot of things with their friends and family. You can ...
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