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The Bionic Mouse: Fashionable Extension Of Your Hand

The Bionic Mouse: Fashionable Extension Of Your Hand

I get so tired of these "normal" and "usual" designs for the mouse. They always come in this bulging lump of plastic with a sensor underneath and a c ...
Impress Your Friends – Origami with a Twist!

Impress Your Friends – Origami with a Twist!

I love origami, otherwise known as the art of paper folding. I think it takes a lot of patience on the part of the artist to create artwork from a si ...
“Delete” Wipes: Clean Dirt Off Your Computer!

“Delete” Wipes: Clean Dirt Off Your Computer!

I think everyone agrees with me that the keyboard is probably the most dirty and germ infected spot in your whole house (yes, even more so than the ba ...
Space Invaders Couch: Gank The Invaders At Home!

Space Invaders Couch: Gank The Invaders At Home!

There have been several posts here on Bit Rebels that deal with the perfect geek interior design. So far we have only touched the tip of the iceberg ...
Inception Movie: Legolized!

Inception Movie: Legolized!

I don't think it has escaped anyone's attention that Inception is, next after The Matrix, the highest grossing sci-fi movie ever released. The intric ...
The Best Paper Sculptures You Have Ever Seen!

The Best Paper Sculptures You Have Ever Seen!

Yet again we cover something made of paper. It's not exactly the first time, but I can honestly and with a promise say that you have never seen anyth ...
The Freaky Toy That Will Help Children Deal With Fears

The Freaky Toy That Will Help Children Deal With Fears

As a child, you can never be sure anyone can keep a secret. Sharing your fears and troubles with someone might seem scary and sometimes just not the ...
Inspiring Light Dazzling Speaker Dock For Your iPhone

Inspiring Light Dazzling Speaker Dock For Your iPhone

Can we ever get enough of these iPhone docks you think? Well, not if they come looking like this. The norm for the iPhone dock has been only to conn ...
Coffee Lovers: Here’s Your Indestructible Coffee Machine!

Coffee Lovers: Here’s Your Indestructible Coffee Machine!

The day finally came when we saw indestructible machines inhabit the earth to forever keep us company. Never again do we need to sign those warranty ...
How To: Connect ALL Your USB Devices Into The Same Port!

How To: Connect ALL Your USB Devices Into The Same Port!

By now most people have bucket loads of USB devices and memory sticks laying around. Knowing what info is on which one is probably the new problem of ...
Big Is Beautiful – World’s Biggest iPhone Cover!

Big Is Beautiful – World’s Biggest iPhone Cover!

Making new covers for the iPhone has become a new industry in itself almost. There are now a huge number of companies on and off the Internet that sp ...
Another Intellectual Game Created for the Blind

Another Intellectual Game Created for the Blind

Here we go again. Designer Xiang Pan recently created the next "intellectual person's game." Great. This is yet another game to make us regular peo ...
Interactive Zombie Video – Can You Deliver Pizza Without Dying?

Interactive Zombie Video – Can You Deliver Pizza Without Dying?

I wrote an article earlier today about vampire killing kits, so to balance things out, I will write a nice gory zombie article now. Hell Pizza is app ...
Mosquitoes Crash Into Billboards and Create Artwork!

Mosquitoes Crash Into Billboards and Create Artwork!

I live in Atlanta, Georgia and wow... the mosquitoes here are legendary. Often called Tiger mosquitoes because they are so huge, they attack with no ...
A Luxurious Beanbag Chair For Your iPhone

A Luxurious Beanbag Chair For Your iPhone

Oh, I've seen it all now. I know people love their cellphones but geeeeez. Are you in love with your precious iPhone, Blackberry or Android phone? ...
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