Search query: exercise

10 Exercises For Photographers To Help Develop Creativity

10 Exercises For Photographers To Help Develop Creativity

Are you new to photography and want to develop your creativity? Or maybe you're quite successful, but feel the lack of interesting ideas? Then exercis ...
Watersports Are A Great Way To Exercise

Watersports Are A Great Way To Exercise

Investing time to get fit and healthy is vital. If you're in search of the best way to exercise but not at the traditional fitness gym, then waterspor ...
Motivational Exercise Technology You Didn’t Know You Needed

Motivational Exercise Technology You Didn’t Know You Needed

The past decade has seen an explosion in smart technology — technology that transforms our lifestyles in ways we never thought possible. Smart gadgets ...
How To Increase Your Calorie Burn Without Exercise

How To Increase Your Calorie Burn Without Exercise

Losing weight and maintaining it is a bear. It’s one of those things that perpetually nags at us. This goes especially when it comes to doing so at a ...
Fantastic Exercises That Improve Stamina, Quickness, And Power

Fantastic Exercises That Improve Stamina, Quickness, And Power

To gain that competitive edge, it's always advisable to improve stamina, quickness and power, and you can only achieve the results with the right exer ...
6 Secrets Of Women Who Exercise Every Day

6 Secrets Of Women Who Exercise Every Day

Women are powerful machines, which is a well-known known fact. They build their careers, take care of their loved ones, and often shower people with l ...
Fitness Insights – 5 New Fat-Burning Exercises

Fitness Insights – 5 New Fat-Burning Exercises

According to most fitness experts, more workouts will burn more fat from your body. However, most fitness enthusiasts know the common workouts that wi ...
Top 5 Ways To Exercise Without Feeling Bored Out Of Your Mind

Top 5 Ways To Exercise Without Feeling Bored Out Of Your Mind

Oh exercise. It’s one of those things where you just don’t know if you really want to do it or not but are glad you did once it’s done. I mean, let’s ...
SymGym Adds A Full-Body Exercise Controller To Your Video Games

SymGym Adds A Full-Body Exercise Controller To Your Video Games

Gamers have always been looked at as unhealthy and non-social. That has changed a lot in the last few years and with games like Pokémon GO that is lik ...
Tech That Is Changing The Way We Exercise And Play Sports

Tech That Is Changing The Way We Exercise And Play Sports

The latest technologies have had a huge impact on the way we exercise and play sports. Almost every sport has been affected in one way or another by t ...
How To Get All Your Exercise In Only 3 Minutes A Week

How To Get All Your Exercise In Only 3 Minutes A Week

Think of the amount of time you will save if your weekly exercise routine could be condensed down to 3 minutes a week. Sound ridiculous? Apparently no ...
How To Lifehack Your Exercise Into Every Day [Infographic]

How To Lifehack Your Exercise Into Every Day [Infographic]

Sitting in front of the computer screen all day could be lethal, or at least that is what research shows. According to the reports, sitting down too l ...
ZOMBIES, RUN!: Exercise While Running For Your Life

ZOMBIES, RUN!: Exercise While Running For Your Life

I would be the first one in the room to admit that I truly need to get my butt out of the office chair and put on a pair of running shoes. I could def ...
Comfortably Update Twitter & Facebook While You Exercise!

Comfortably Update Twitter & Facebook While You Exercise!

Oh hell yes! Let's face it, up until now; it's been hard to tweet while we are exercising, right? You might ask, "Why do you need to tweet while exer ...
Star Wars Yoga – The Exercise for Geeks

Star Wars Yoga – The Exercise for Geeks

This is so funny to me. I see people tweeting about yoga all the time. I've tried it before, but I just don't think it's for me. All that twisting ...
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