Search query: game

Awesome Classic Game Characters In A Race To The Finish Line…

Awesome Classic Game Characters In A Race To The Finish Line…

Who's your favorite game character of all time and why? Did you base your decision on the speed it has or purely out of amazement for its features an ...
Badass Gamer Puts Blizzard In Their Place!

Badass Gamer Puts Blizzard In Their Place!

It's rare, but it's always entertaining when a gamer knows more about a game he's playing than even the creators do. It's even more so when the compa ...
Angry Birds: Fun and Addictive Game App!

Angry Birds: Fun and Addictive Game App!

Having an iPhone can be quite handy when we are waiting for a meeting to start or waiting for habitually late friends. We never have to get bored any ...
The Monopoly Game Made From Solid Gold

The Monopoly Game Made From Solid Gold

When I was young, I used to love playing Monopoly. I learned so much about managing money from that game. My sisters and I would play it all day lon ...
Game Pen: Writing and Playing Games Made Easy!

Game Pen: Writing and Playing Games Made Easy!

For those who have been reading my articles here on Bit Rebels, you already know that I love pens. I collect all sorts of ball point pens, signing pe ...
Finally: A Health Benefit From Playing Video Games!

Finally: A Health Benefit From Playing Video Games!

Well Halleluiah! Finally someone has proven that there is a health benefit to playing video games, well, if you have a lazy eye that is. Typically, ...
The Real Murder Game Controller: Gone Too Far?

The Real Murder Game Controller: Gone Too Far?

I was a big gamer back in the day, but back then, ten years ago, it was different than it is today. Since then, I've kind of lost interest since so m ...
The $7,000 Arcade Bowling Game Is Here!

The $7,000 Arcade Bowling Game Is Here!

Game freaks are fanatic over the old arcade game cabinets that once graced the space in the school arcade halls. There was something magic about putt ...
Nerdified: Movie & Game Typography Posters For Geeks!

Nerdified: Movie & Game Typography Posters For Geeks!

Where does creativity stop? Is there a limit to how creative we can get and still understand what it is we're doing or seeing? According to studies, ...
Portal 2: A Puzzle Game Worth Checking Out!

Portal 2: A Puzzle Game Worth Checking Out!

I knew in the back of my mind that in the beginning of next year, Valve planned release Portal 2. However, it wasn't until I watched this trailer tha ...
Conway Mathematical Game of Life: Interactive with LEDs

Conway Mathematical Game of Life: Interactive with LEDs

There is a chance that this may be the geekiest thing you've read all week. The wonderful people at Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories created this humo ...
Playstation Coffee Table: The Only Way To Decorate As A Gamer

Playstation Coffee Table: The Only Way To Decorate As A Gamer

I covered another quite interesting coffee table not too long ago. That one was built from the interiors of a computer crusted with LED lights that m ...

Zelda On Paper: Stop Motion Twist Of The Classic Game!

Zelda is one of my favorite games of all time, and I played it until I finished it back in the days of the Nintendo NES console. The excitement of th ...
How To: Find The Secret YouTube Game!

How To: Find The Secret YouTube Game!

Little did I know that the "Worm" game has been under my nose this entire time. It's kind of a secret hidden Easter egg that YouTube incorporated for ...
Another Intellectual Game Created for the Blind

Another Intellectual Game Created for the Blind

Here we go again. Designer Xiang Pan recently created the next "intellectual person's game." Great. This is yet another game to make us regular peo ...
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