Search query: gaming

How Seniors Can Benefit From Gaming

How Seniors Can Benefit From Gaming

Video games are generally associated with younger people, but statistics show over 20% of gamers are over the age of 50. While many people may conside ...
Gender Demographics In Mobile Gaming – What Do Men And Women Prefer?

Gender Demographics In Mobile Gaming – What Do Men And Women Prefer?

Throughout the last few years, the number of females immersing themselves in the gaming industry has reached new heights, especially on mobile devices ...
Latest Technologies That Make Your Mobile Gaming Better

Latest Technologies That Make Your Mobile Gaming Better

Mobile games are increasingly focused on convenience above anything else, letting gamers draw much fun out of their favorite games. And the introducti ...
5 New Gaming Trends In 2020

5 New Gaming Trends In 2020

As the competition grows fierce for game designers and developers to soar to new heights, this year will be a year of innovation and growth unlike any ...
How To Choose The Perfect Gaming Console For You

How To Choose The Perfect Gaming Console For You

Video games have been a part of our lives, may we be gamers or just avid fans viewing others play.  Today, it has been known that there are 2.5 billio ...
Why 2020 Is The Beginning Of A New Era In Gaming

Why 2020 Is The Beginning Of A New Era In Gaming

From the initial thrill of trying the first console, The Magnavox Odyssey, to the excitement of trying a new casino online, to the anxious anticipatio ...
The Biggest Gaming Contributors To The Explosion Of Mobile Popularity

The Biggest Gaming Contributors To The Explosion Of Mobile Popularity

There have been times when mobile games were derided as lackluster or inauthentic. Despite naysayers, recent history has shown that modern mobile gami ...
The Future Of Hi-Tech Gaming – Cloud, VR & More

The Future Of Hi-Tech Gaming – Cloud, VR & More

Video games harness fast-paced technology, continually changing and evolving to give players the best experience possible. With gamers expecting new g ...
Hyperx Cloud Alpha – Gaming Headset For PS4, Xbox One, PC & More

Hyperx Cloud Alpha – Gaming Headset For PS4, Xbox One, PC & More

A PC game with no quality audio system is like no game at all. It feels like you are just watching pictures. Due to either lack of knowledge or funds, ...
The Innovations Changing The Shape Of Online Gaming

The Innovations Changing The Shape Of Online Gaming

The world of online gaming has evolved and transformed over the years – the changes coinciding with the incredible advancements in technology that hav ...
Is Professional Gaming Becoming A Viable Career Path?

Is Professional Gaming Becoming A Viable Career Path?

Offering forms of competition which benefit hugely from the digital age, it’s little wonder how far gaming has come. Far from requiring in-person meet ...
Benefits Of Online Gaming You Didn’t Expect

Benefits Of Online Gaming You Didn’t Expect

With the rapid rise of technology, the popularity of online gaming has skyrocketed over the past few years. The universal appeal of online games is re ...
Gaming Laptop vs Desktop – Which One Should You Choose

Gaming Laptop vs Desktop – Which One Should You Choose

For avid gamers or even beginner gamers, you've probably been in a dilemma whether to choose a laptop or a desktop for your gaming needs. Some years b ...
4 Steps To Turn Your PC Into A Gaming Console

4 Steps To Turn Your PC Into A Gaming Console

Savvy gamers know that the best gaming experience can only be achieved on a PC. There’s no denying that while gaming consoles do provide an exceptiona ...
Benefits Of Gaming Every Once In A While

Benefits Of Gaming Every Once In A While

There are a lot of people that believe that gaming is just a useless form of passing the time, but that’s not true at all. Playing video games can be ...
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