Search query: iphone

The Beauty Of Selective Color Photography [10 Pics]

The Beauty Of Selective Color Photography [10 Pics]

I've always been interested in photography, but it wasn't until I got my iPhone 4 that my passion for photography really came alive. There are just so ...
9 Ways Twitter Can Change Your Life

9 Ways Twitter Can Change Your Life

Twitter has had a big influence on me. People who follow me on the site know that I tweet a lot, and that I enjoy meeting and tweeting with friends an ...
Pepsi Takes Virtual Gifting To Another Level

Pepsi Takes Virtual Gifting To Another Level

Social media brings us closer to the brands that we use. If you are on Facebook, aside from "liking" pages that you want to be updated with regarding ...
Star Wars Vector Art: This Is Pure Brilliance

Star Wars Vector Art: This Is Pure Brilliance

I am a huge admirer of vector art. Every chance I get, I study its intricate patterns and delve into the millions of tutorials on the web about making ...
Night Vision Camera: Take Pictures In Total Darkness

Night Vision Camera: Take Pictures In Total Darkness

Taking pictures is so much fun. It seems like these days everyone has a digital camera or a smartphone with a camera. Ever since the photo sharing tre ...
Freezing Han Solo: Real Time Freezing Kinect Hack

Freezing Han Solo: Real Time Freezing Kinect Hack

The Kinect platform and the awesome technology it represents is breaking new ground each day. The hacks get more and more sophisticated, and there see ...
How To: Turn Your Own Life Into An Infographic

How To: Turn Your Own Life Into An Infographic

There is no question that people lately are getting buck wild with infographics. Most of us are information junkies who can't get enough of the daily ...
ARTags: Augmented Reality Graffiti Tagging Application

ARTags: Augmented Reality Graffiti Tagging Application

We see it everyday, whether it is beautiful or just a bad "I Was Here" tag. I am of course talking about graffiti in all its forms and shapes. The way ...
TweetingSeat: The Park Bench That Twitpics & Tweets You

TweetingSeat: The Park Bench That Twitpics & Tweets You

We see Twitter and Facebook products and designs pop up all over the Internet everyday. Most of the time they are obviously weak attempts by uninforme ...
The Tornado That Stole A Burger And Fries

The Tornado That Stole A Burger And Fries

I live in Atlanta, and we have a lot of tornadoes that blow through here each year. We don't have as many as Tornado Alley, but we still get our fair ...
6 Major App Stores Compared [Infographic]

6 Major App Stores Compared [Infographic]

Ever since Apple launched the App Store, there has been a very public race going on. With the immense success Apple had with selling applications init ...
2011 Insane Mobile Marketing Facts & Trends

2011 Insane Mobile Marketing Facts & Trends

It seems like the two hottest buzzwords right now are "mobile marketing." Everyone is talking about it, and new articles are circulating on social med ...
How To: Prank Justin Bieber Fans Reeeeeeal Good

How To: Prank Justin Bieber Fans Reeeeeeal Good

I don't know why there are so many Justin Bieber haters on Twitter. How can anyone bag on a kid who has accomplished so much in his short life? Regard ...
Funtoxication: Fun App Checks Your Blood Alcohol Level

Funtoxication: Fun App Checks Your Blood Alcohol Level

Driving while drunk is just not cool. We all know that. I cannot think of one situation where it is acceptable. There are those times when we think we ...
Angry Birds Easter Edition Snapshots Released

Angry Birds Easter Edition Snapshots Released

Who doesn't love to play Angry Birds? I know I do, and I have already played most of the versions available including Angry Birds Rio. The success of ...
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