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You’ve Never Seen Carpet Like This Before!

You’ve Never Seen Carpet Like This Before!

What would you do if you had some tiny toy army men, some plastic forks and a few boxes of band-aids that you didn't need anymore? Would you throw th ...
What and When Was The First SUV Ever Built?

What and When Was The First SUV Ever Built?

Most days, I drive my SUV. I like sitting up high when I drive, and although I know I should probably get a vehicle that is better for the environment ...
The Justice League Goes Sex Pistols Punk

The Justice League Goes Sex Pistols Punk

I grew up with the Justice League. Like every other geeky girl, I wanted to be Wonder Woman sooooo bad. Have you ever thought about what it would be ...
How To: Make An Omelet Inside The Eggshell

How To: Make An Omelet Inside The Eggshell

What exactly is an omelet inside of an eggshell? As they describe on Evil Mad Scientist, "it's the culinary equivalent of a ship in a bottle." If yo ...

The Fluid Dress By Charlie Bucket: Now You Can Glow In The Dark!

Aside from writing and illustrating, I also love fashion designing. Although I've never had the time to actually learn how to create patterns and sew ...
A Delicious Treat: 40 Proof Chocolate Milk

A Delicious Treat: 40 Proof Chocolate Milk

It's a mixture of vodka and chocolate milk... in Atlanta, we call this "Mommy Juice." This is such a cute story of how Facebook combined with friends ...
The Bulletproof Clipboard: Cause You Never Know

The Bulletproof Clipboard: Cause You Never Know

I know this isn't supposed to be funny, but for some reason, writing this article is making me laugh. I mean, really? A clipboard? All joking aside ...
New World Record Set For Continuous TV Watching

New World Record Set For Continuous TV Watching

So many times I've thought it would be a lot of fun to watch a 24 marathon from the beginning to the end. I don't watch hardly any television, but wh ...
Live The Star Wars Fantasy: The Deep Space Fighter Bed

Live The Star Wars Fantasy: The Deep Space Fighter Bed

Wow, this is quite a bed! I didn't think a Star Wars inspired bed would ever top this Millennium Falcon bed, which by the way, looks ultimately geekt ...
WaveCave: The Geeky Way To Hide From The Sun On The Beach!

WaveCave: The Geeky Way To Hide From The Sun On The Beach!

As a geek, summers can be quite daunting if the weather is sunny and warm. Some may think it's because the only place we seem to like staying is in f ...
Star Wars USB Hand Warmers For Cold Winter Space Days

Star Wars USB Hand Warmers For Cold Winter Space Days

How do you stay warm on a cold winter day when you're working on your laptop? Are you using some bulky gloves which make your work even slower and st ...
Droplet Traffic Light: Social Networking In Your Traffic Lights!

Droplet Traffic Light: Social Networking In Your Traffic Lights!

As social networking develops, we will find more and more ways to interact with each other. In today's climate, a business that doesn't embrace the m ...
Insane Mod: A Stove Turned Into A Cross-Culture Stereo

Insane Mod: A Stove Turned Into A Cross-Culture Stereo

Right now I am just wondering what I can turn into something awesome over here. Not that I would do it, or even have the time to, but it just hit me t ...
Odd Creations: Super Mario And Link In The Same Predicament

Odd Creations: Super Mario And Link In The Same Predicament

Posters seem to never go out of style. Sure, the format has always been the same somehow, but the motifs are ever changing and range to fit everyone ...
The Mesmerizing Art Of David Despau: Batman, Superman, Etc.

The Mesmerizing Art Of David Despau: Batman, Superman, Etc.

Visual inspiration is what I consider to be the best way to get creative. Usually I have a brief moment in the mornings when I just browse through my ...
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