Search query: job

Soaphenge: The Cleaner Version Of Stonehenge

Soaphenge: The Cleaner Version Of Stonehenge

So where does art begin and end? That's a monumental question, and as I ask it out loud to myself, I am not sure it is to be answered, at least not b ...
The Most Creative Fingerprints You’ve Ever Seen

The Most Creative Fingerprints You’ve Ever Seen

Fingerprints are just plain cool. I remember the time I was arrested and fingerprinted (Just kidding. LOL). One reason fingerprints are so cool is b ...
Apple’s Rise To Number 1 [Infographic]

Apple’s Rise To Number 1 [Infographic]

Apple has always been on the rebellious side of the computer industry. In the beginning, their energy was spent on creating a cult following, and wit ...
Romba Pac-Man: Vacuuming Suddenly Makes So Much More Sense!

Romba Pac-Man: Vacuuming Suddenly Makes So Much More Sense!

It was a while ago now that we saw the first generation of the robotic or autonomous vacuum cleaner grace the shelves in the stores. At first it was ...
Pixar Movie Characters To Grace Postage Stamps In 2011!

Pixar Movie Characters To Grace Postage Stamps In 2011!

If I really have to, I must admit that I don't send very many postcards or letters anymore. It seems email does exactly what I want it to do, and as ...
Technology, Art & Fashion Collide: LED Eyelashes

Technology, Art & Fashion Collide: LED Eyelashes

I was sitting here wondering why I'm just now finding out about these insane little LED eyelashes when they've been out for a few years, but then I fi ...
The World’s Fastest Beer Dispensing Keg

The World’s Fastest Beer Dispensing Keg

I had a full academic scholarship which paid for my first two years at University, but after that, I was on my own. I managed to graduate without any ...
Have A Giggle: Jingle Bells From YouTube’s Talking Pets!

Have A Giggle: Jingle Bells From YouTube’s Talking Pets!

You can see and feel holiday cheer everywhere on the Internet. People are even wearing Santa hats on their avatars on social networking sites like Tw ...
Urinal Gaming: SEGA Moves Into Uncharted Territory

Urinal Gaming: SEGA Moves Into Uncharted Territory

It's amazing how addicting gaming can become if you're not careful. We've seen it most recently on Facebook where more and more people are investing ...
Cat Diaries: The First Movie Filmed by Cats!

Cat Diaries: The First Movie Filmed by Cats!

I once read an article that said that cats are very popular on the Internet. People love sharing their cat stories, funny cat pictures and their cute ...
Kinect Hack: Minority Report User Interface Duplicated!

Kinect Hack: Minority Report User Interface Duplicated!

Not too long ago, it was considered the holy grail to create an exact replica of the movie Minority Report's awesome user interface. Until the Kinect ...
Anychair: You Won’t Get Any Work Done With This Chair!

Anychair: You Won’t Get Any Work Done With This Chair!

I dare to say I am not exactly known for my many hours of sleep, quite the opposite really. Even though usually I would really like to sleep more, I ...
The Art Of Eating Bugs: It’s More Common Than You Think!

The Art Of Eating Bugs: It’s More Common Than You Think!

We really do like to embrace all different cultures from around the world. After all, Richard, Misty and I all live in different countries. However, ...
BendDesk: Your Future Work Desk Hints Of Minority Report

BendDesk: Your Future Work Desk Hints Of Minority Report

We all wonder what the future will have in store for us. With people like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates thinking up the next generation gadgets, I am sur ...
Bubble Wrap Tie: The Joyful Workday Has Arrived!

Bubble Wrap Tie: The Joyful Workday Has Arrived!

If you have ever had a day at work when you wished that time would go by faster to make it all as painless as possible, you know what I mean when I sa ...
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