Search query: job

Juicy Reading: The Blog For Disgruntled Ex-Apple Employees

Juicy Reading: The Blog For Disgruntled Ex-Apple Employees

So, this isn't brand new, it's been around since August, but I just found out about it yesterday. As someone who works very closely with Apple on a d ...
1,000 Articles and Yet There Is More…

1,000 Articles and Yet There Is More…

It took 529 days for me to write 1,000 articles. Anyone with a sense for math knows that's roughly 2 articles a day, every day. And that's pretty much ...
HolePunch: Here’s How You Bring Love Back To The Office…

HolePunch: Here’s How You Bring Love Back To The Office…

I know a lot of people that dread every Monday morning because that's the day when a whole new week of endless working begins. It's not so much that ...
Container Guest House: Pack Your Guests In Recycled Living

Container Guest House: Pack Your Guests In Recycled Living

I have always found it hard to house guests to my own satisfaction. Whenever someone jumps by my place for a visit, I always want to house them like ...
Porsche Smartphone: The New Luxury Cell Phone To Flaunt

Porsche Smartphone: The New Luxury Cell Phone To Flaunt

Everyone knows that with a new and cool cell phone, you are likely to catch anyone's attention. Sure, I wouldn't go so far as to say that the girlies ...
A Tribute To All The Dads On Twitter

A Tribute To All The Dads On Twitter

I love being a mom, it's the best job in the world and my number one priority. I am friends with lots of moms on Twitter, and I remember writing this ...
NES Zelda: The Reality Of A Hero Isn’t So Glamorous After All!

NES Zelda: The Reality Of A Hero Isn’t So Glamorous After All!

When I think back on the days when playing Nintendo was the prime reason to wake up in the morning and when the hero status of the characters I played ...
Now Having A Laser Light Show For Your Party Is A Breeze!

Now Having A Laser Light Show For Your Party Is A Breeze!

I have produced several parties and events over the past six years. We have organized events that catered to small groups of 100 people all the way u ...
Zero Footprint Shirts Made From Leaves

Zero Footprint Shirts Made From Leaves

We write a lot on this site about ways we can conserve our natural resources and help the environment. Our beautiful earth is such a precious gift to ...
$1,260 Costume: And You Thought You Were Cool!

$1,260 Costume: And You Thought You Were Cool!

This year I didn't get the opportunity to get on my Halloween mojo like I did last year (I was, like so many others I am sure, Hannibal Lecter), but I ...
Design: The Little Blue Cozy Chair Created From Rope

Design: The Little Blue Cozy Chair Created From Rope

I rarely write about furniture designs, not because I'm not interested in them, but because I don't often find a piece that speaks to me. However, th ...
Eggs for Rich People: An Example of Brilliant Brand Marketing

Eggs for Rich People: An Example of Brilliant Brand Marketing

One thing that has always fascinated me from a marketing and branding perspective is how some savvy marketers are able to appeal to a certain demograp ...
The Millennium Falcon & The General Lee Morph Together

The Millennium Falcon & The General Lee Morph Together

Now this is original. Who would ever think to combine The Dukes of Hazzard with the Millennium Falcon? Until right now, Han Solo and Chewbacca never ...
Is This The World’s Most Elaborate Concept Presentation?

Is This The World’s Most Elaborate Concept Presentation?

Alright, I have seen my share of concept designs and presentations, and it always impresses me when someone has put their heart and soul into a projec ...
The Cool Way To Wake Up: Star Wars Lamp & Alarm Clock!

The Cool Way To Wake Up: Star Wars Lamp & Alarm Clock!

The hardest thing to do in the morning is to wake up, especially when you are so tired from last night's party or late night work. I know some people ...
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