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Diablo III Concept Art By Hellboy Artist Duncan Fegredo

Diablo III Concept Art By Hellboy Artist Duncan Fegredo

Blizzard Entertainment launched their highly anticipated game, Diablo III, on May 15th. The launch was met with plenty of issues that left anxious pla ...
How To Create Green Moss Wall Graffiti [Infographic]

How To Create Green Moss Wall Graffiti [Infographic]

Wow, you've never seen green moss like this before. Street art is one of the most debated forms of art there is. I couldn't tell you how many times I ...
Game For Geeks: Monopoly Web Lovers Edition

Game For Geeks: Monopoly Web Lovers Edition

Playing Monopoly is always a lot of fun, but playing this web lovers edition would make it even better. According to Wikipedia, the earliest version o ...
Extreme Photography That Borders On The Insane

Extreme Photography That Borders On The Insane

I am a huge admirer of the imagination that some photographers possess. It's like their eye shutter is something completely different than what us ord ...
The Ferrari Of Tomorrow Is Beyond Insane

The Ferrari Of Tomorrow Is Beyond Insane

No matter what the economy looks like, there will always be people in the world who apparently have enough money to spend on luxury items that other p ...
Stuxnet: Anatomy Of World’s Most Advanced Computer Virus

Stuxnet: Anatomy Of World’s Most Advanced Computer Virus

Every day we hear about new viruses, malware and trojans. It's become an automated process to keep our computers safe by using one of the many protect ...
Remembering Michael Jackson 2 Years After His Death

Remembering Michael Jackson 2 Years After His Death

It's hard to believe that next month will mark the second anniversary of Michael Jackson's death. It's so sad that someone who was so talented and bro ...
ARTags: Augmented Reality Graffiti Tagging Application

ARTags: Augmented Reality Graffiti Tagging Application

We see it everyday, whether it is beautiful or just a bad "I Was Here" tag. I am of course talking about graffiti in all its forms and shapes. The way ...
Artistic Inspiration: Thousands of Memories Mashed Into One

Artistic Inspiration: Thousands of Memories Mashed Into One

Wow, this is nuts! It's one of those projects that would take me a decade to finish, no, on second thought, a lifetime. Artist Corinne Vionnet creat ...
This Rooftop Pool Is A Deadly Swim!

This Rooftop Pool Is A Deadly Swim!

I never thought I'd say this, but I am actually scared of swimming in a pool. Yeah I know, it's odd and very lame if you just reference those words i ...
A Look At Our World In Full Color

A Look At Our World In Full Color

I was in Hong Kong May 21 - 23 and I noticed that things looked so different at daytime and nighttime compared to what I'm used to. I was wondering w ...

How To: Control A Graffiti Can

If you are an artist, when you look at cool graffiti on walls, you probably think, "Wow, that is great artwork, but I could never do that." Well, it' ...
Ping Clothing: Share Your Life On Twitter – Without A Keystroke

Ping Clothing: Share Your Life On Twitter – Without A Keystroke

Are you one of those people that constantly updates your location on your mobile through FourSquare for the entire world to see? Good for you because ...
10 Ways Some Followers Are Ruining Your Twitter Style

10 Ways Some Followers Are Ruining Your Twitter Style

It's one of the most debated topics on Twitter and is sure not going to stop anytime soon, the fact that we all want Twitter to be just how we like it ...
How To: Draw A Cartoon Character

How To: Draw A Cartoon Character

Watching cartoons was one of my favorite past times when I was younger.  Every weekend, we were allowed to wake up, have breakfast and then have our e ...
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