Search query: sleep

Help The Homeless: Our Twitter Friend Takes Action!

Help The Homeless: Our Twitter Friend Takes Action!

A few weeks ago, I wrote an article entitled Help The Homeless: 10 Ways That Don't Cost Money. It is a topic that is very near and dear to my heart, ...
LED Color Technology Detects Changes In Temperature!

LED Color Technology Detects Changes In Temperature!

I was in Cincinnati last November 9th - 12th, and the temperature of course was very different compared to what I am used to. I am used to warm tropi ...
Space Invaders Calendar: Mark Each Day By Killing Aliens

Space Invaders Calendar: Mark Each Day By Killing Aliens

So, at the beginning of each year, you have 365 days to look forward to. Maybe you dread them, and maybe even try to avoid them by sleeping it out. ...
Comfortably Update Twitter & Facebook While You Exercise!

Comfortably Update Twitter & Facebook While You Exercise!

Oh hell yes! Let's face it, up until now; it's been hard to tweet while we are exercising, right? You might ask, "Why do you need to tweet while exer ...
Help The Homeless: 10 Ways That Don’t Cost Money!

Help The Homeless: 10 Ways That Don’t Cost Money!

Earlier this week, I coordinated a luncheon to serve the homeless men and women in Atlanta. Because working with the homeless is a cause that is impor ...
Wrap-a-Nap: Part Pillow, Part Blindfold Makes You Look…

Wrap-a-Nap: Part Pillow, Part Blindfold Makes You Look…

The world is filled with super cool inventions and ideas. All you really have to do is to take a look around you, and I am sure you will at least fin ...
Lululemon: The Hoodie That Converts Into A Pillow

Lululemon: The Hoodie That Converts Into A Pillow

Are you one of those people that can fall asleep just about anywhere? Good for you then. Well, I am not sleeping much at all, and it's been kind of ...
Pillow Remote: Just Make Sure You Don’t Drool On It!

Pillow Remote: Just Make Sure You Don’t Drool On It!

I have to admit that I am not exactly a frequent telly watcher. It's a pastime that my schedule doesn't allow, and I would blame myself forever if I ...
10 Tips To Overcome Frustration!

10 Tips To Overcome Frustration!

Frustration usually occurs when our intended personal goals and dreams are not met. We may feel frustrated when an outcome of what we wanted to happe ...
Geeks: Wake Up To This Lego Alarm Clock!

Geeks: Wake Up To This Lego Alarm Clock!

I am the type of person who is dependent on an alarm clock to wake up every morning. I know some people hate using alarm clocks since they kinda jolt ...
How Marijuana Affects A Spider’s Ability To Spin A Web

How Marijuana Affects A Spider’s Ability To Spin A Web

Before I tell you about a cruel experiment done with spiders, I want you to know that I don't condone this or any cruelty to animals, even if they are ...
How To Overcome The Blind Spot While Driving

How To Overcome The Blind Spot While Driving

Our cars are getting ever more advanced, and the features are making them more secure and automated. Some people argue that going in this direction i ...
A Guilty Pleasure for Geeks: The Star Wars Plush Toy!

A Guilty Pleasure for Geeks: The Star Wars Plush Toy!

Toys are no longer just for kids, they are now for grownups too. I have friends and family members that collect unique figurines and action figures t ...
5 Things To Consider Before Diving Into Twitter

5 Things To Consider Before Diving Into Twitter

Twitter is here to stay. In the beginning, some people thought it was a fad that people would lose interest in within a couple of months. When I sta ...
WTH: Eat LIVE Crab From A Vending Machine

WTH: Eat LIVE Crab From A Vending Machine

I admit, I like my food to have faces. I'm a meat eater all the way. After I wrote this article about how to kill a lobster in a humane way, I met m ...
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