Search query: smartphone

Mobile Ninja Tactics To Fight Off Mobile Malware [Infographic]

Mobile Ninja Tactics To Fight Off Mobile Malware [Infographic]

For a while, Apple users could brag about their gadgets not getting any viruses or malware. Those days are long gone, and now we're faced with the fac ...
Electricity Tracking Device & iPhone App Keep Your Bills Down

Electricity Tracking Device & iPhone App Keep Your Bills Down

The one thing that could quickly send your personal economy into a depression is the unpredictable electricity bill that keeps surprising you from tim ...
iPhone 5 Camera Clip-On Preserves Reality & Reduces Reflection

iPhone 5 Camera Clip-On Preserves Reality & Reduces Reflection

The smartphone revolution has not only implemented a universal tool into our everyday lives, but it also provides us with a way to constantly document ...
Innovative Wristwatch & App Alerts You When You’re Too Stressed Out

Innovative Wristwatch & App Alerts You When You’re Too Stressed Out

According to everything we've seen and written about regarding the new trends for this year, one of them is that people are going to start becoming mo ...
BROpener: The Tiny Device That Turns Anything Into A Bottle Opener

BROpener: The Tiny Device That Turns Anything Into A Bottle Opener

How do you open your beer bottle? Do you knock it on the edge of the kitchen counter like a beer-opening ninja? Do you use a bottle opener that is cle ...
Shark Costume For Your Beer Bottle: The Koozie With Attitude

Shark Costume For Your Beer Bottle: The Koozie With Attitude

Gone are the days when everyone at a party has to walk around carrying the same boring beer bottles. There are tons of ways you can personalize your b ...
Emergency Flashlight Runs On Any Size Batteries You Can Find

Emergency Flashlight Runs On Any Size Batteries You Can Find

When the power goes out, we all find ourselves in a situation which is unnatural for most of us. Pretty much everything around us is dependent on elec ...
5 Star Trek iPhone Cases Every Geek Should Have

5 Star Trek iPhone Cases Every Geek Should Have

As geeks, we have virtually unlimited ways we can geekify our mobile experiences. There are different smartphones, apps and of course accessories whic ...
Flip: Next Gen Internet Controlled Light Switch System

Flip: Next Gen Internet Controlled Light Switch System

People have always wanted to optimize things in their lives. It's like every single gadget, electronic device and even our interior design items are o ...
Touchy: Working Camera Helmet Suited For A Geek Photographer

Touchy: Working Camera Helmet Suited For A Geek Photographer

Let's see, when you think of a camera, what image is projected into your mind? I am pretty sure you're thinking about some kind of system camera with ...
The Unexpected Consequences Of Tweeting In The Loo [Infographic]

The Unexpected Consequences Of Tweeting In The Loo [Infographic]

I’ve written about toilet tweeting several times this year, and I can’t believe I never thought about this aspect of it until today. As recently as tw ...
Next Gen Cutting Board Has An Embedded Scale

Next Gen Cutting Board Has An Embedded Scale

A popular trend when it comes to technology is to incorporate as many features as possible into one gadget which previously took several different gad ...
The Digital Shopping List Device That Will Simplify Your Life

The Digital Shopping List Device That Will Simplify Your Life

Is your fridge covered in post-it notes with stuff you need from the store? Do you find that you often forget important items when you're shopping? Do ...
Bump: Instantly Exchange Virtual Business Cards With A Fist Bump

Bump: Instantly Exchange Virtual Business Cards With A Fist Bump

I have to say that when it comes to business cards, the options are as many as there are stars on the night sky. Business cards have long been the onl ...
The Mayan Apocalypse Is Here: How Will You Spend Your Last Days?

The Mayan Apocalypse Is Here: How Will You Spend Your Last Days?

The end of the Mayan calendar has arrived, and the Mayan apocalypse is here. Finally! How do you plan to spend your last days on this blue ball we inh ...
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