Search query: storage

Bit Rebels Halloween Giveaway Winners Announcement

Bit Rebels Halloween Giveaway Winners Announcement

It's always so much fun to do a giveaway on Bit Rebels because there is nothing more exciting than giving away fun stuff to our readers! The first epi ...
This One Pic Explains The Evolution Of Technology!

This One Pic Explains The Evolution Of Technology!

I think by now most of us have seen a lot of people trying to summarize the evolution of technology with long and tedious posts that keep us busy read ...
Technological Revolution: What & Where It Is [Infographic]

Technological Revolution: What & Where It Is [Infographic]

Ever since I was a kid, I have been insanely inspired by gadgets. It's like a fix I get when I get to try out something entirely new or when some new ...
Insane Living: A Whole Room In A Compact Box

Insane Living: A Whole Room In A Compact Box

The world is getting ever smaller they say. As a little kid, I never used to quite understand what the adults who said that were talking about, but as ...
The World’s Largest Treehouse: A Mansion In A Tree

The World’s Largest Treehouse: A Mansion In A Tree

I love treehouses. It's one of those things I always wanted when I was a little girl but never got, that and an Easy Bake Oven. The thing that is stra ...
The Complete iPhone 5 Rumor Roundup [Infographic]

The Complete iPhone 5 Rumor Roundup [Infographic]

The iPad 2 finally launched and just the other day I saw the lines grow faster than bamboo with people who wanted to be among the first ones to buy th ...
The Importance Of Internet Real-Time Compression [Infographic]

The Importance Of Internet Real-Time Compression [Infographic]

We have touched on this subject before a couple of times, but it's really important to dig deeper into it. The Internet is changing rapidly, and somet ...
Facebook Photos: The Astonishing Stats [Infographic]

Facebook Photos: The Astonishing Stats [Infographic]

Relatively speaking, I am still a newbie on Facebook. I've been on the site less than a year. It's fun and all, but to me, it still doesn't touch Tw ...
Total Daily Consumption Of Data In The U.S. [Infographic]

Total Daily Consumption Of Data In The U.S. [Infographic]

I recently wrote an article about the different kinds of data that we all rack up each and every day of our lives.  It was portrayed in an infographic ...
How Big Is Your Byte: Twitter, Facebook And More In Bytes

How Big Is Your Byte: Twitter, Facebook And More In Bytes

As our world gets more and more complex, we tend to transfer that to the virtual world of ones and zeros.  As we clear up more space in the real world ...
Eco-Friendly Technology: A Disposable Cardboard Flash Drive

Eco-Friendly Technology: A Disposable Cardboard Flash Drive

I admit, I have way too many flash drives around my house. I'm a shoe fanatic, and just to put it in perspective, I probably have a flash drive to ma ...
Multitasking Picture Frames Become Creativity Boosters

Multitasking Picture Frames Become Creativity Boosters

Time is a valuable commodity that most of us take for granted.  But for all of us, the day will come when we realize that it's not going to last forev ...
The Logo Reader Stores All Your Card Data In One Gadget

The Logo Reader Stores All Your Card Data In One Gadget

I know from experience that SD and flash cards can be quite a handful to carry around, and it's easy to lose them if you're not careful.  Some people ...
STEREOO: Could Be The Smallest 3D Camera In The World!

STEREOO: Could Be The Smallest 3D Camera In The World!

Ever since James Cameron developed that 3D camera system that he used to film Avatar, the world has forever changed into an ever more immersive realit ...
Limited Designer Flash Drives Meet Batman, Superman, Etc.

Limited Designer Flash Drives Meet Batman, Superman, Etc.

Flash drives have become one of the most customized computer accessories that we have seen since... well, ever! I wrote a huge piece on my other webs ...
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