Search query: watch

Tweet Cred: How To Gain Respect On Twitter

Tweet Cred: How To Gain Respect On Twitter

Respect is one of those things that everyone wants, but few people get, especially in social media. On Twitter, it can be overwhelming at times to tr ...
The iPhone App That Takes You Back To The 20th Century

The iPhone App That Takes You Back To The 20th Century

Technology really has changed the way we communicate. I remember back when cell phones were so large that you practically needed a suitcase to lug th ...

How To: Stop Being Shy

Would you believe that as a young child I was very very shy? I was like that all the way up until high school. I remember my parents had a hard time ...
Conway Mathematical Game of Life: Interactive with LEDs

Conway Mathematical Game of Life: Interactive with LEDs

There is a chance that this may be the geekiest thing you've read all week. The wonderful people at Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories created this humo ...
Is This The Most Apple:ified Mercedes-Benz Ever?

Is This The Most Apple:ified Mercedes-Benz Ever?

I don't think I am mistaken when I say I know you like computers. Maybe you even fan them to the extent that you can't stand something called a PC, o ...
Lady Gaga Celebrates Becoming The Queen Of Twitter

Lady Gaga Celebrates Becoming The Queen Of Twitter

Ya know how sometimes you get in the mood to write about those things in life that really don't matter to anyone? Yeah... that's the kind of mood I'm ...
How To: Get the Most Out of Attending a Conference

How To: Get the Most Out of Attending a Conference

Recently I was fortunate enough to attend the Internet and Mobile Marketing Association of the Philippines Summit. I am truly glad that the managemen ...
Simon’s Cat by Simon Tofield: Animation At Its Best!

Simon’s Cat by Simon Tofield: Animation At Its Best!

Everyone who has been following my tweets or that has been reading my posts here on Bit Rebels knows that I love cats. We have 20 in our house, and w ...
Geek Must See: Most Comprehensive Gaming Console History Ever!

Geek Must See: Most Comprehensive Gaming Console History Ever!

Wow, I just watched a 23 minute long history lesson on console gaming, and I am just beside myself with all of the memories that are visiting me again ...
RollPhone: The Geekiest New Cell Phone Concept To Date!

RollPhone: The Geekiest New Cell Phone Concept To Date!

When cell phones were first introduced back in the day, it was a thing of beauty and class, a sign of great status and success. However, now it's pre ...
Don’t Blink: This Is The World’s Fastest Toy!

Don’t Blink: This Is The World’s Fastest Toy!

If you have ever thought about buying your kid a toy that is going to stimulate his or her creativity, you probably haven't considered that reflexes h ...
Do Your Part and Recycle: Fashion Inspiration

Do Your Part and Recycle: Fashion Inspiration

The world's population is getting larger everyday. Everyone knows what that means right? It means our resources are also depleting. I remember in t ...
The Wonka Elevator Is Now A Reality!

The Wonka Elevator Is Now A Reality!

If you were one of the people that was amazed by the insanely awesome elevator in the end of "Charlie And The Chocolate Factory" or the original movie ...
Epic Lego Star Wars Mural Build In Time Lapse

Epic Lego Star Wars Mural Build In Time Lapse

It's an understatement that we like Lego here at Bit Rebels. As so many times before, I am getting as excited as a little kid watching this Lego buil ...
A Fred Flintstone Inspired House: Architecture Inspiration

A Fred Flintstone Inspired House: Architecture Inspiration

When I was growing up (in the days before the DVR), I remember The Flintstones would come on everyday at 4pm. I would run to the television to watch ...
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