Search query: web design

Best of XKCD – The Greatest Nerd Webcomic

Best of XKCD – The Greatest Nerd Webcomic

Ok, so if you are a nerd or geek of any kind then you have probably seen an XKCD or two. Well I am a die hard early adopting computer science geeky pr ...
WEPC | A Community Designed Dream PC

WEPC | A Community Designed Dream PC

We have all been dreaming about the perfect computer. The very technology that would make just me happy. For a computer manufacturer answering everyon ...
Art Meets Technology | Dazzling Designs

Art Meets Technology | Dazzling Designs

It’s always mind bending to me when things that normally don’t go together, suddenly fit together well. I wouldn’t think that crafts and technology n ...
Get Inspired! | Interview with Designer John O’Nolan

Get Inspired! | Interview with Designer John O’Nolan

One of the best parts of being a writer at Bit Rebels and the assistant to Richard Darell is that I get to be in the company of some very talented peo ...

How To | Get Your Stories Out via Web Press Release

If you are a small business and have limited budget to tell the world of your new product, PR Web maybe a good option.  A  news release, media release ...

What’s next in Design? | Think Big

Design is quite a big word. It is sometimes minimize the explanation to just lines on a piece of paper or even a simple website. Design is, has always ...

Design Thinking

Sometimes we are so consumed with the 'brilliant idea' factor, that are eyes and minds don't think of the obvious, the user experience or the common g ...
The Most Popular Tweets on the Web

The Most Popular Tweets on the Web

If you have been on Twitter for quiet some time now you must already know what RT or Re Tweeted means.  Simply put 'ReTweeting' is a simple way of re ...
Interview | Obox Design – Makers of Inspiration

Interview | Obox Design – Makers of Inspiration

I am excited to be able to premiere a new section here at Bit Rebels - "Interviews". A section that I think will be full of inspiration and great inte ...
Design to WordPress Theme in Seconds

Design to WordPress Theme in Seconds

With the blogosphere growing and growing for each day there is an increasing demand for professional as well as free WordPress themes. Sometimes the b ...
Spray Paint Design | Making The Wall

Spray Paint Design | Making The Wall

What do you think of when you hear the words "Spray Paint"? I bet you're thinking about Graffiti and malicious tagging. Am I wrong? Well, spray paint ...
RSS Feed Inspired Design

RSS Feed Inspired Design

RSS (most commonly translated as "Really Simple Syndication" but sometimes "Rich Site Summary") is a family of web feed formats used to publish freque ...
South Park | The Website Review Meeting

South Park | The Website Review Meeting

Few could have dodged the humor and sensational hit show South Park. The hilarious ways they try themselves in one way or another have i ...

Web Gangstaz Unite!

So, we all know the big Rivalry that is West-Side vs East-Side - 2Pac and Biggie both paid the price for being Gangstaz. What you may not know, is tha ...
Three Simple Digital Marketing Goals For Your Business

Three Simple Digital Marketing Goals For Your Business

  Put the b2b meetings and storefront conversations on hold. - Your online presence is everything in 2024. Marketing is everything. The hard p ...
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