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Mother Nature Designs A Freakishly Cool Creature

Mother Nature Designs A Freakishly Cool Creature

This little guy is supposed to be a Blue Dragon Nudibranch, the Sea Swallow, or as some say, a Blue Sea Slug. I am not sure of its origin or scientifi ...
Mashable vs. TechCrunch: Showdown Statistics [Infographic]

Mashable vs. TechCrunch: Showdown Statistics [Infographic]

With the rumor going around that CNN is about to buy Mashable, a lot of people are of course debating whether the value of this social media news site ...
Lego Beer Machine Opens & Cools Your Beer Like A Boss

Lego Beer Machine Opens & Cools Your Beer Like A Boss

I bet some of you are ready for the weekend to embrace you. Well, it's only Thursday morning here as I am writing this, so it will still be a couple m ...
How To Eat Your Favorite Foods [Guide]

How To Eat Your Favorite Foods [Guide]

I am sitting here, and I am getting more hungry by the minute. Browsing the web isn't exactly easy when you stumble over delicious looking food on bas ...
Original & Fun Yarn Bombing To Brighten Your Day With Colors

Original & Fun Yarn Bombing To Brighten Your Day With Colors

Almost a year ago, I wrote an article about Yarn Bombing. At the time, it was a relatively new global graffiti phenomenon where people all over the wo ...
Comparing Pinterest With Facebook & Twitter [Infographic]

Comparing Pinterest With Facebook & Twitter [Infographic]

I think we have all thought about it. I mean, now that Pinterest is becoming a new household name, there is little that wouldn't call for a comparison ...
Retro Defined In This Lego Game Boy Transformer

Retro Defined In This Lego Game Boy Transformer

The way people help things evolve is often by trying to predict the future in some obscure way. However, the best predictions have come from actually ...
How To Dance With A Beer Without Spilling

How To Dance With A Beer Without Spilling

Have you ever found yourself in a crowded club ordering a beer and as soon as you get it, you are bumped and you spill half of it all over yourself or ...
The Learning Power Of Lego [Infographic]

The Learning Power Of Lego [Infographic]

It's a day of joy today since I have finally found something that is very dear to our hearts over here at Bit Rebels. No, it doesn't have anything to ...
The Lives Of Hipster Superheroes

The Lives Of Hipster Superheroes

I have to admit that I don't fully understand the concept behind being a hipster. Sure, I do understand what it is all about, but the origin of it is ...
Trippy: The Travel Version Of Pinterest

Trippy: The Travel Version Of Pinterest

I don't think I have visited one single website these past few weeks that hasn't had something to say about the new social networking site Pinterest. ...
Sleep Or Die: How Little Or No Sleep Will Affect You [Infographic]

Sleep Or Die: How Little Or No Sleep Will Affect You [Infographic]

Dedicated entrepreneurs sometimes keep working towards their goals even though their bodies tell them to quit and go to bed. It is called nothing othe ...
When The Avengers Go Winnie The Pooh Style

When The Avengers Go Winnie The Pooh Style

It is once again time to turn our perception of a franchise upside down. It's when we expect the unexpected that the world gets just a little bit easi ...
20 Criminal Cases Solved By Using Facebook [Infographic]

20 Criminal Cases Solved By Using Facebook [Infographic]

The odds are pretty much in my favor when I say that you are on Facebook at this very moment. There are over 750 million people registered on Facebook ...
Double Lego Cupcakes To Make Your Inner Geek Smile

Double Lego Cupcakes To Make Your Inner Geek Smile

Who doesn't love chocolate and Lego? That's what I'm sayin! This is a topic I couldn't wait to write about today. We've featured chocolate Lego bricks ...
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