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DIY Stitched Holiday Cards: A Fun Way To Make Creative Cards

DIY Stitched Holiday Cards: A Fun Way To Make Creative Cards

People who know me well know that I'm not a crafty kind of girl. It's just not my thing. I even send shirts out when the buttons need to be replaced. ...
Extreme Cut Out Book Art

Extreme Cut Out Book Art

I am sure I am not the first one to wonder what will become of all the books now that electronic books are making such a huge impact. I am sure there ...
World’s First Mobile Phone Is From 1922

World’s First Mobile Phone Is From 1922

Yesterday was one of those days when I thought technology just couldn't get any more awesome. I didn't think that because I saw something new, edgy or ...
What People Are Really Doing Online [Infographic]

What People Are Really Doing Online [Infographic]

It's quite weird to think that just 20 years ago almost no one knew what the Internet was. It wasn't widely spread back then. Well, the geeks knew wha ...
Sole Creations: The Artwork On The Bottom Of Your Shoes

Sole Creations: The Artwork On The Bottom Of Your Shoes

Everyone seems to be a fanatic about sneakers and the way they look lately. Maybe "lately" is kind of a dodgy word to use here, but lets just say it m ...
9 Movie Titles Improved By Adding “In Bed”

9 Movie Titles Improved By Adding “In Bed”

I love it when people who know how to use Photoshop get silly. I've said before that I think it would be fun to have a Photoshop party where everyone ...
Thread & Nail Portraits: Life On A String

Thread & Nail Portraits: Life On A String

When someone masters the art they are continuously learning, I am always heavily impressed. It's like watching someone put their entire being into the ...
µWave: The Microwave YouTube Hack

µWave: The Microwave YouTube Hack

Home entertainment has constantly changed through the years, and the only thing that determines its nature is really technology itself. In the '70s, t ...
7 Sounds Kids Born Today Will Never Know

7 Sounds Kids Born Today Will Never Know

Oh my goodness, this is so awesome. As you know, different people are stimulated by different senses in different ways. For example. some people assoc ...
Air Clicker: The World’s First Finger Camera

Air Clicker: The World’s First Finger Camera

I don't know if you would agree with me if I said that the cameras of today are not flooded with new features. The only thing that really gets upgrade ...
The Secret Thoughts Of Cats & Dogs [4 Videos]

The Secret Thoughts Of Cats & Dogs [4 Videos]

When I was a kid, we had a crap load of animals in my house. We had cats, dogs, birds, turtles... well, you name it and we probably had it at some poi ...
The Highest Resolution Photograph Of The Moon Ever Taken

The Highest Resolution Photograph Of The Moon Ever Taken

Whoa! I've never seen the moon look like this before! I always thought it was just a big boring blurry blob with a few craters in it. I bet this one p ...
Star Wars Compilation: Every Mention Of The Force [Video]

Star Wars Compilation: Every Mention Of The Force [Video]

If you enjoy watching something, you usually try to find a compilation of it, right? Take my Siri responses compilation published about a week ago for ...
Pillow Weapons: Throw A Real Pillow Fight

Pillow Weapons: Throw A Real Pillow Fight

If you consider yourself to be a true geek, you know there is only one way to really wage a war, and that is with a pillow fight. Any other kind of wa ...
Is The Internet Awake? [Animated Infographic]

Is The Internet Awake? [Animated Infographic]

Are you awake? That is the one single question I keep asking myself since I can't get any sleep most of the time. When someone asks how or why I can't ...
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