Search query: website

How To Become A Ninja Using Just A T-Shirt [Infographic]

How To Become A Ninja Using Just A T-Shirt [Infographic]

The word "ninja" has really been used frequently in the last couple of years. Videos on YouTube with death defying acts of hilarity have completely go ...
The Cassette Tape Chair Makes Your Life Even More Retro

The Cassette Tape Chair Makes Your Life Even More Retro

Trying to count how many times I have wanted to retrofy my life wouldn't even be possible. It happens every day, and I never dare pass up an opportuni ...
How The Internet Looked Back In 1998

How The Internet Looked Back In 1998

The way we navigate the Internet today is quite different from what it was like back in 1998. I don't mean the navigation itself (such as links etc.), ...
4 Tips For Speed Reading Long Blog Posts

4 Tips For Speed Reading Long Blog Posts

I remember back in the days when high profile Digg users were known for consuming more information each day than the rest of us combined. Many times p ...
For Wine Loving Geeks: My Drunk Kitchen

For Wine Loving Geeks: My Drunk Kitchen

This is a big week for wine lovers on Twitter, so when I saw this little video, I knew I had to share it with you. If you are unfamiliar with the hist ...
How To: Recruit Top Talent Using Social Media [Part 2]

How To: Recruit Top Talent Using Social Media [Part 2]

As anyone might understand, recruiting new talent to your company is a science and a lot of attention to detail is needed in order to find the perfect ...
How To: Recruit Top Talent Using Social Media [Part 1]

How To: Recruit Top Talent Using Social Media [Part 1]

It seems social media is becoming a truly powerful tool when it comes to finding new talent for companies around the world. A couple of years ago I wr ...
The Complete iPhone 5 Rumor Roundup [Infographic]

The Complete iPhone 5 Rumor Roundup [Infographic]

The iPad 2 finally launched and just the other day I saw the lines grow faster than bamboo with people who wanted to be among the first ones to buy th ...
WTF: The William & Kate Commemorative Refrigerator

WTF: The William & Kate Commemorative Refrigerator

I don't really get into the royal wedding frenzy each time one of those events is about to happen. However, this time, with Prince William and Kate Mi ...
How To: Build Your Own Functional Super Mario Coin Block

How To: Build Your Own Functional Super Mario Coin Block

Today it seems like everyone is trying to save a buck here and there. Since the economic recession started, we've become a little bit more aware of ho ...
How Google’s SEO Algorithm Is Changing The Web [Infographic]

How Google’s SEO Algorithm Is Changing The Web [Infographic]

We've been quite fascinated with SEO over here at Bit Rebels since we launched the site. It should be pretty simple to understand why, and it's of cou ...
Social Media Saves The Day With A Terminator Leg

Social Media Saves The Day With A Terminator Leg

We are seeing more and more stories lately about the warmth, compassion and friendships formed in social media. This time it's about a social media si ...
Search Engine Facts: Full Historical Timeline [Infographic]

Search Engine Facts: Full Historical Timeline [Infographic]

One of the most important aspects when starting a website is its SEO strategy, and the way the site is designed and maintained. The less attention tha ...
Movie Quiz: Movie Titles In The Form Of Geek Math

Movie Quiz: Movie Titles In The Form Of Geek Math

Keeping up with all the latest movies and their trailers isn't much of a challenge these days. The Internet has made it possible for us to know instan ...
Keyboard Jacket: For Geeks Who Want To Push Buttons

Keyboard Jacket: For Geeks Who Want To Push Buttons

Every geek knows that pimpin yourself out the geeky way is the only way to go. If you want to be one of the true geeks around the world, you need to p ...
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