Search query: work

6 Creative Post-Apocalyptic Fallout Posters

6 Creative Post-Apocalyptic Fallout Posters

Post-apocalyptic artwork and gadgets have become really popular lately. Whether it's a chart about how to survive the zombie apocalypse or a machine t ...
The Folding Bluetooth Keyboard For Your iPad Or iPhone

The Folding Bluetooth Keyboard For Your iPad Or iPhone

When the first iPhone model was released, there was a landslide of people who bashed it for having a virtual keyboard (or a touchscreen keyboard depen ...
Pillow Talk: Let’s You Sleep Talk With Your Friends

Pillow Talk: Let’s You Sleep Talk With Your Friends

Are you one of those people that when the alarm starts buzzing in the morning, you feel like throwing it into the wall so it will never wake you up ag ...
The Fundamental Elements Of Design

The Fundamental Elements Of Design

To fully understand the elements of design, I think you have to have some experience with how logos, websites and whatever design you are working on w ...
Casino iPhone Apps: A Festive Way To Spend Some Downtime

Casino iPhone Apps: A Festive Way To Spend Some Downtime

This is the time of year when more people than ever before will be traveling and taking time off from work. Even people who are certified workaholics ...
Qwerty Walls Are More Than Hypnotic

Qwerty Walls Are More Than Hypnotic

How many times have you looked at the walls around you and thought to yourself, "This is really depressing, maybe I should put up some new wallpaper!" ...
Experience Today’s Social Media Services If Available In 1997

Experience Today’s Social Media Services If Available In 1997

You're on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and all the other social networking services, and it's moving fast. Messages, tweets and updates fly through your ...
The Rise Of Minecraft [Infographic]

The Rise Of Minecraft [Infographic]

I don't think it is a secret anymore that I am a huge fan of the Minecraft game. It's such a creative and versatile game in which you can do pretty mu ...
Social Media Bathroom Mirrors: Twitter & Facebook While In The Loo

Social Media Bathroom Mirrors: Twitter & Facebook While In The Loo

There's no question that people are inspired to update their social media sites while they are in the bathroom. I can relate to that. When I'm in the ...
The Anatomy Of A Perfect Website [Infographic]

The Anatomy Of A Perfect Website [Infographic]

There are a million pieces of advice out there about how to make the perfect, best, most awesome, or whatever you want to call it, website. However, t ...
Skevader: When Darth Vader Becomes Skeletor

Skevader: When Darth Vader Becomes Skeletor

What do Star Wars and He-Man have in common? Well, absolutely nothing other than the characters in both of them wear semi-ridiculous clothes and some ...
A Twitter Chorus: Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra Sings Tweets

A Twitter Chorus: Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra Sings Tweets

Some people are reporting that this is the first professional Twitter chorus ever created. I don't know if that's true, but it sure is a fun use for s ...
Food Design: Creative Santa Hat & Christmas Tree Brownies

Food Design: Creative Santa Hat & Christmas Tree Brownies

I went out for tacos and beer last night, and now I'm having a fat day today. For guys who don't know what that is; I'll give you a little insight abo ...
DIY iPhone Projector For Only $3

DIY iPhone Projector For Only $3

As some of you might know, I have written a couple of articles about some of the most advanced iPhone cases around, and they usually hold a projector ...
Designer’s Toolkit: The Most Popular Design Tools [Infographic]

Designer’s Toolkit: The Most Popular Design Tools [Infographic]

As a designer, I know all too well how important it is to work with the right tools when you create your project. Not only will it save you gray hairs ...
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