Search query: writing

10 Lessons I’ve Learned On Twitter

10 Lessons I’ve Learned On Twitter

This has been a huge year for me personally. I feel like I experienced ten years of personal growth in one 12 month period. I learned a lot about li ...

How To: Make the Chewbacca Noise

Now you can be just like everyone’s favorite Wookie, Chewbacca, known as Chewie to all those that love him. Before writing this article, I practiced ...
Everyone’s Gone Gaga For Lady Gaga

Everyone’s Gone Gaga For Lady Gaga

What is the deal with Lady Gaga? It seems like we can’t get enough of her. Here in the states, you hear her music everywhere you go. People in the ...

5 Reasons To Write Guest Posts

I like Blogging, no I love it, I never thought I could really do this, I am just truly grateful to people who have encouraged me to just dive in. If y ...
How to Effectively w00t

How to Effectively w00t

If you are on Twitter, are a geek, a gamer, or following any of us Rebels, you have heard and probably even used the word "w00t!" Its a term that is T ...
How To: Stay Creative When Facing Deadlines

How To: Stay Creative When Facing Deadlines

If you are a designer, a writer, an artist or in any creative field, then you’ve been in the situation where you’ve had to be creative while at the sa ...
5 Tips on How to Create an Effective Online Portfolio

5 Tips on How to Create an Effective Online Portfolio

Came across a You Tube video a tablet demo where The  Wonderfactory collaborated with Times Inc on how best to use this piece of gadget called the SI ...
How to collaboratively write a blog post using Google Wave

How to collaboratively write a blog post using Google Wave

Richard Darell: So, I invited my friend and colleague Fernando Fonseca (@fjfonseca) to try a new approach when writing articles for Bit Rebels. So far ...
10 Tips To Build Meaningful Relationships on Twitter

10 Tips To Build Meaningful Relationships on Twitter

I love Twitter and I find myself writing about it a lot. I often write about friendships I’ve made and on almost every article about this topic someo ...
10 Post Ideas To Give Your Blog A Boost

10 Post Ideas To Give Your Blog A Boost

A few weeks ago I wrote a post called How To: Get Rid of Writer’s Block. As a follow up to that post, I would like to share with you ten blog post id ...
Unlock Your Front Door Geek-Style

Unlock Your Front Door Geek-Style

This has to be the geekiest thing I’ve ever written about. I’m a geek by any standard, but even this is a bit over the edge for me. But, the geek in ...
How To | Promote your Blog

How To | Promote your Blog

Everyone that has started a blog and wanted it to become the next rad thing on the Internet have struggled with the one fact of how to get the word ou ...
Stephen King’s Advice to Writers

Stephen King’s Advice to Writers

Stephen King is one of my favorite writers of all time. Known as a modern day Alfred Hitchcock, his books Carrie, The Shining, Misery, Cujo and The D ...
How To: Get Rid of Writer’s Block

How To: Get Rid of Writer’s Block

It’s 10pm, you finally sat down to relax and update your blog. You get comfortable, turn on some music, and stare at your computer screen. Nothing. ...

5 Reasons To Smile When You Get A Negative Blog Comment

Most of what I write about on this blog comes directly from personal experience. When I look back at my posts, they read almost like an online diary. ...
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