Tag: career
What’s Important To Men & Women vs. What We Say [Infographic]
If someone were to ask you, "What areas of your life would you like to improve the most?" would you respond differently depending on who asked you? Wo ...
Career Choices: What Will You Be When You Grow Up? [Infographic]
When we are little kids, it seems like we are asked over and over by adults, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" As kids, it's a question that ...
In-Depth Look At The Graphic Design Career [Infographic]
No matter where you go on the Internet, you will see something that a graphic designer has put together. You just can't get around it. There are more ...
Midlife Crisis: Overall Job Satisfaction In America [Infographic]
There is no question that the state of jobs and job satisfaction has changed in America over the past few decades. When I talk to people in the genera ...
Workaholics: Your All-Nighter Survival Guide [Chart]
When was the last time you pulled an all-nighter? I know some people who do their best work during sleepless long nights, and I know other people who ...
Social Media Job Hunting: Reshaping Our Future [Infographic]
Last month I wrote an article called 7 Sounds Kids Born Today Will Never Know. I have a new sound to add to that list. It's the rushing around sound o ...
Life’s Too Short For The Wrong Job [10 Pics]
This is such an oldie but a goodie! Every once in a while, I'll stumble across something that I remember seeing from many years ago, but it's so epic ...
How To: Get A Job At Google, Apple or Facebook [Infographic]
I just learned today that one in four young professionals starting their career journey wants to work for Google. It's not surprising really. We all k ...
Woman Discovers How To Live Happily Without Any Money
What does it mean to be rich? Does it mean that a person has a lot of money? Does it mean having a big house with a lot of things in it? I know people ...
Most Creative Way To Find A Job Using Twitter
We all know by now that social media can be a great networking tool used to make valuable contacts in any industry. Many people even use social media ...
The Most Creative (or Stupidest) Resume Ever
I know how stressful it is to put together a resume. As a matter of fact, that is one of the reasons I've been self-employed for over a decade. Screw ...
The Best Way To Quit A Job Ever!
*By now, we all know this was a hoax, but it's still funny as hell! Love it!* I cannot stop laughing over this. I can soooo relate to this girl. When ...
The World’s Youngest Tattoo Artist – She’s 3 Years Old!
When I was three years old, my biggest dream was to get the big box of 64 crayons. Ruby Dickinson, on the other hand, dreams of having her own authen ...
How To: Make A Difficult Task Easier!
This week has been so hectic for my office mates and me. It seems that the workload is not easing up as much as we want it to. However, it is a chal ...
Goal-Setting: Let’s Play 15 Questions
Someone once said to me, “The quality of your life will be determined by the quality of the questions you ask yourself.” It’s so true.
We’ve all r ...