Tag: funny

Real Life Drama: Woman Goes Jedi and Attacks with a Lightsaber
I have to admit; it's been a while since I've gotten excited over a lightsaber. It was fun watching this lightsaber flash mob and this dog that could ...

Have Sex With A Guy With A Mustache Day
Asylum and The American Mustache Institute have officially declared November 18th a new holiday called "Have Sex With A Guy With A Mustache Day." Afte ...

How To: Collect Your Farts to Fuel a Cannon
Manley has a dream, a big dream. Now that he's learned how to collect his own farts and store them, he hopes to use them to fuel a homemade cannon. ...

Want Larger Breasts? Just Chew This Gum!
This makes me giggle. A lot. I want to be careful how I word this because there are women all over the Internet that claim this gum works, but... um ...
Ghost Girl Video Under The House! Really Creepy!
October is here, and we all know what holiday is coming up... Halloween! One thing that we three here at Bit Rebels have in common is our love for ho ...
How To: Clean The Steps On An Escalator
There are some questions in life that can haunt you forever. For example, "Why is the grass green?" "Why is there war?" "How many licks does it take ...

Snuggies For Dogs: Now Our Pups Can Be Cozy Too!
Snuggies are fun. Who doesn't love the stylishly ridiculous look of a good snuggie? We write about them a lot on Bit Rebels, and they always give us ...

Unravel Your Life With This Creatively Morbid Calendar
I can't decide if this is creatively cute or truly morbid. So, for the moment, I'll call it creatively morbid. We often read happy and cheery quotes ...
The Funniest Friggin Chatroulette Reaction Ever
In case you've been living under a rock and you somehow missed the whole Chatroulette craze, don't worry, you didn't miss much. From the beginning th ...

The Unusual Handshake Device: For Those Awkward Moments
We've written about the designs of Dominic Wilcox many times on Bit Rebels. His innovative and creative style always makes me smile. I have to wonde ...
Disturbing Comics To Make You Laugh (or Cringe)
I'm a big comic book fan. I'm hard to please though when it comes to comedy, so my favorite comic strips are usually the ones with dark, unexpected, ...

Woman Marries R2-D2 In Official Ceremony
This has got to be one of the most ridiculous things I've ever written about, but I just couldn't resist. I know that sometimes people do things just ...

The Best Way To Quit A Job Ever!
*By now, we all know this was a hoax, but it's still funny as hell! Love it!* I cannot stop laughing over this. I can soooo relate to this girl. When ...
Are You Relevant On Twitter?
Twitter is a wonderful place to learn new things about everything from website designs, applications, new trends, fashion, social media, advertising, ...

A Luxurious Beanbag Chair For Your iPhone
Oh, I've seen it all now. I know people love their cellphones but geeeeez. Are you in love with your precious iPhone, Blackberry or Android phone? ...