Tag: speakers

Wireless Home Theater – Quick Guide To Pulling It Off
Setting up a home theater is not an easy job. It requires quite a lot of effort, time, and wires. Yes, you read that right wires. Whether you are conn ...

Underwater MP3 Player Lets You Listen To Music With Your Cheekbones
How would you like to be able to hear clear music while you're swimming underwater? You wouldn't exactly be able to do that by wearing your earpods. I ...

Custom 3D Printed Speakers Give You An Audioreactive LED Light Show
Here we go again with another brilliant 3D printed creation that will make you drool with anticipation for your own 3D printer. These gorgeous speaker ...

iTeufel Magnum Review: It’s The Bentley Of Bluetooth Audio
I have used Teufel audio products for five years now, and I associate excellent build and sound quality with the brand. So, it was only natural for me ...
Sneaker Speakers May Reinvent The Way We Play Music Outdoors
How do you play music in public? Do you play it individually on your smartphone or do you bring an external speaker to let everyone take part in your ...
Tickled Pink That Hello Kitty Goes Tech At CES 2013
I haven't written an article about Hello Kitty in a long time, and I can't think of a better day to do it than today when I get to share with you all ...
Pillow Talk: Let’s You Sleep Talk With Your Friends
Are you one of those people that when the alarm starts buzzing in the morning, you feel like throwing it into the wall so it will never wake you up ag ...
Can’t Afford A Sound System? Build One From Beer Cans…
Are you one of those people who likes to sit around on your couch all day and drink beer while pointlessly wasting your life away surfing the Internet ...
The Sound Tank: DJ Weapon Of Mass Temptation
As technology gets more advanced every day, we can do cooler things with lesser technology, if that makes any sense. The computers of today have enabl ...
How To: Turn Your Sneakers Into Stylin Speakers
Have you ever heard of a sneaker customizer? Me either, until today. Alex Nash, otherwise known as NashMoney, calls himself a sneaker customizer. W ...
A Mini Cooper Turned Into A Badass Gaming Chair
Playing games has become an art form, and we're constantly trying to break the boundaries of the technology at hand. We're constantly trying to come ...
The Retro Boombox Gets A New Face With A Touchscreen!
Kick back and press play on that cassette player you so lovingly create mixtapes for. Let the boom become the rhythm of your body and make sure your ...
The Cool Way To Wake Up: Star Wars Lamp & Alarm Clock!
The hardest thing to do in the morning is to wake up, especially when you are so tired from last night's party or late night work. I know some people ...
Mobile Cinema: Vintage Bus Turned Into Stunning Movie Theater!
Some days hauling your butt off to the cinema can be quite a challenge. Especially on days like this when it's raining outside (it really is). Would ...
Star Trek Speakers – The Only Way To Be A Trekkie
Star Trek is a whole phenomenon in itself really. I have no experience what so ever in being a Trekkie or ever watching any of the episodes on TV. H ...