Tag: temperature

Angel: Innovative Open Source Health Monitor For Creative Developers
Since wearable tech is so popular right now, it seems like every week there is a new wearable health monitor announced. Whether it comes in the form o ...

The High Tech Tattoo-Like Patch That Can Check Your Body Temperature
When I was a kid, I used to hate having my temperature taken. I would always gag when my mother stuck the thermometer under my tongue. Babies have it ...

Power Pocket: Jean Shorts Charge Your Smartphone With Body Heat
I remember this year at CES there was a thermoelectric wristwatch unveiled that could convert body heat into electricity. As the watch rests on your w ...

iPhone Doctor: Your Phone Can Check Your Temperature & Call Doctor
If you are like most people I know, when you feel sick, you don't take time out of your schedule to go to the doctor unless it's serious. Most of us j ...
Cloud Tsunami: Cool Things You Might See On A Helicopter Tour
I have a bucket list in my head and taking a helicopter tour in Australia’s Great Barrier Reef is on my list right next to scuba diving. I have the ov ...
9 Ice Sculptures That Will Inspire You!
Writing here on Bit Rebels is a little bit like a diary to me. Everything I write about every day always has something to do with what I'm going thro ...

5 Lessons A Snowflake Can Teach Us About Blogging
We aren't very familiar with snow in Atlanta. If we are lucky, it snows about two or three days each winter (about an inch or two each time), and it ...

Going To Extremes: Would You Swim Here?
Many of you have probably seen people tweet about how cold it is in the Southern part of the United States right now. I realize it's December, so log ...
Star Wars USB Hand Warmers For Cold Winter Space Days
How do you stay warm on a cold winter day when you're working on your laptop? Are you using some bulky gloves which make your work even slower and st ...
MacOven: Cook Your Food In A MacBook Microwave
Are we overusing our microwaves and most importantly are we using up unnecessary power by doing so? Well, if everyone were to stop using their microw ...
Intelligent Cup: Tells You When The Coffee Is Perfect For You!
Right now I am having a cup of hot tea. Yes, I decided to make it a habit to write a few articles in the mornings during my tea break that I pretty m ...
LCD Faucet: Water Goes Digital!
If you are planning to geek out your home, and if you are looking for inspiration, you are about to get inspired. Sure, a cool coffee table and a cou ...
The Jacket That Converts Into A Tent
Are you the outdoor type of person? Are you someone who likes to rough it in the wilderness? I am not the outdoor type because there aren't many pla ...

Check The Weather Forecast While Enjoying 72,000 LEDs!
One of my favorite things about living in Atlanta is that at night you can see all the bright lights of the city illuminating the sky like a Christmas ...
Cold Fingers + iPhone = Sausage Stylus!!! LOL!
If you couldn't tell by the title of this post, this is hilariously awesome. (Hopefully you caught the Tom Green sausage reference in the image as wel ...
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