Search query: future technology

iShower: Lets You Rock It Out In The Shower

iShower: Lets You Rock It Out In The Shower

There is a constant stream of weird and wonderful gadgets emailed to us from our readers, as well as new things brought onto the market every week. Wh ...
Jaw Dropping Real Life Wall-E Robot

Jaw Dropping Real Life Wall-E Robot

For fans of the movie Wall-E, your dreams have become a reality. The lovable waste collecting robot made such an impact in the 2008 release that these ...
Heartbeat Phone: The Smartphone With A Beating, Ringing Heart

Heartbeat Phone: The Smartphone With A Beating, Ringing Heart

The mobile technology world seems to bring a never-ending stream of new ideas and products that have changed our lives forever. We have recently se ...
Mogees: Turn Any Surface Into A Gesture Musical Instrument

Mogees: Turn Any Surface Into A Gesture Musical Instrument

In the ongoing search for weird instruments, I have once again ventured out to see what I can find. It's not easy, I tell you that. There are so many ...
Microsoft First To Bring Us 360 Degree Touchable Holograms

Microsoft First To Bring Us 360 Degree Touchable Holograms

2012 is going to be an exciting year when you look at what some companies are saying they are bringing to the table for us users. There is so much inn ...
Top Tech Trends Of 2011: Last Year At A Glance [Infographic]

Top Tech Trends Of 2011: Last Year At A Glance [Infographic]

In 2011, we saw a lot of new trends emerge that implied social media was taking yet another step towards ruling not only the Internet, but also our li ...
Hello Steve: Creator Of Hello Kitty Makes A Steve Jobs Tribute Doll

Hello Steve: Creator Of Hello Kitty Makes A Steve Jobs Tribute Doll

It seems we just can't stop talking about the genius of our time, Steve Jobs. And by all means, he is worthy of all the praise in the world. If it wou ...
Apps For Apes: Even Orangutans Like Playing With iPads

Apps For Apes: Even Orangutans Like Playing With iPads

By now, we all know that technology codes our minds and changes our OS. The best illustration I've ever seen of this is in the video from A Magazine I ...
The Twitter Environmental Effect: A Unique Doomsday Infographic

The Twitter Environmental Effect: A Unique Doomsday Infographic

Yesterday my son asked me why so many people say the world is about to end. That is a loaded question when you think about it. He even mentioned a dat ...
Apple On Borrowed Time Without Jobs

Apple On Borrowed Time Without Jobs

I have been following the works of the great Steve Jobs and Bill Gates for some time. It has been an interest of mine to follow and review historical ...
18 Futuristic Machines Imagined In 1940

18 Futuristic Machines Imagined In 1940

I have long been wondering if we, humanity, have gotten better at predicting the future thanks to all the experience we have gained through the millio ...
Wearable Boombox Backpack Packs A Divine Punch

Wearable Boombox Backpack Packs A Divine Punch

It's quite evident that we are moving towards a more technologically implemented future. Our gadgets and accessories are getting ever more advanced an ...
6 Creative Post-Apocalyptic Fallout Posters

6 Creative Post-Apocalyptic Fallout Posters

Post-apocalyptic artwork and gadgets have become really popular lately. Whether it's a chart about how to survive the zombie apocalypse or a machine t ...
Google: The Ultimate Numbers Bomb [Infographic]

Google: The Ultimate Numbers Bomb [Infographic]

Everyone knows that Google is heavily successful in most of their endeavors. They tend to have a sense of what people are most interested in. Sure, th ...
The Full iPhone Fanboy Low Down [Infographic]

The Full iPhone Fanboy Low Down [Infographic]

I think there were a lot of people who were kind of disappointed when they watched the keynote that Apple held for the iPhone 4S. However, I think mos ...
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