Doodle Much? Well, This Is What I Call A Sketchbook!

Doodle Much? Well, This Is What I Call A Sketchbook!

I know a few people on Twitter that are über talented when it comes to sketching and keeping all their work bundled up in a book. Each page is like a ...
Fascinating Celebrity Look-A-Like Photography

Fascinating Celebrity Look-A-Like Photography

It seems Chris Buck's photography is in almost every major magazine. Everyone wants a piece of him these days. I've seen many portfolios of celebrit ...
Twitter Illustrated – Get a Funny Picture of Your Tweet!

Twitter Illustrated – Get a Funny Picture of Your Tweet!

A picture is worth 1,000 words, especially if it's your tweet. Could this be the future of storytelling? A few months ago, I wrote about a website d ...
Illustrations – The Impressive Imagination of Karl Kwasny

Illustrations – The Impressive Imagination of Karl Kwasny

Imagination is a wonderful thing. Some have a vivid one and some none at all. Imagination is the one thing that connects people to the continuous te ...
The KFC Double Down Sandwich – Is This For Real?

The KFC Double Down Sandwich – Is This For Real?

Have you checked out the new Double Down KFC sandwich? In my opinion, this freak of nature fast food nastiness should be outlawed. It doesn't even l ...

5 Tools To Help You Bookmark Websites You Like

More and more people are now reading blogs and visiting websites. The reasons vary of course, some do it for information and learning, while others l ...
Pororoca – Amazingly Designed & Animated Fiction Sea Organisms

Pororoca – Amazingly Designed & Animated Fiction Sea Organisms

Everyone that knows me knows that I am a sucker for realistically animated short movies. I take every free second I have to find something that will ...
Typography Soap – The Cleanest Font Ever Created

Typography Soap – The Cleanest Font Ever Created

Now this is the kind of soap that makes me get excited about getting dirty! I can't wait to mess around in some mud! (Ok, maybe not) I admit it; th ...

7 Online Tools To Create Invoices For Freelancers & Small Businesses

I worked as a freelancer for two years before I entered the advertising world. It takes a lot of hard work to be a freelancer. Your time may be your o ...
Sneaker Design: Design And Sell Your Own Sneakers!

Sneaker Design: Design And Sell Your Own Sneakers!

Postcards, t-shirts, sketchbooks, photo albums and tons of other things are available for you to design yourself and sell. It is made possible throug ...
Beautifully Designed Bottles – Now Your Tap Water Has Style!

Beautifully Designed Bottles – Now Your Tap Water Has Style!

I wrote an article a few weeks ago about a couple of guys who started a company called "Boxed Water Is Better." They suggest that drinking water out ...
A Website For A Greener Earth – Now Recycling Is Fun!

A Website For A Greener Earth – Now Recycling Is Fun!

There are so many natural calamities and disasters that we hear on the news and experience ourselves like floods and earthquakes. The cause, many tim ...
Typography Puzzle – Mind Twisting Letter Blocks

Typography Puzzle – Mind Twisting Letter Blocks

Anyone that has tried to solve a puzzle with over 1,000 pieces knows the frustration in getting started. Just finding those first two pieces that fit ...
Helvetica – Now You Can Have Your Font And Eat It Too

Helvetica – Now You Can Have Your Font And Eat It Too

Everyone loves Helvetica. Even though I'm not a designer, I have seen many of my designer friends fall completely in love with that font. I asked @M ...
Fun Eye Glasses Designs – For Your Inspiration

Fun Eye Glasses Designs – For Your Inspiration

For those of us who have to wear glasses, it is often a dilemma about which frames to choose. Every year I have my eyes checked, and when I do, I try ...
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