Search query: video games

DIY Geektastic Pac-Man Calendar (Chomp Chomp)

DIY Geektastic Pac-Man Calendar (Chomp Chomp)

This little homage to everyone's favorite classic 80s video game is so precious I just want to make my own this weekend. If you weren't around in the ...
Audio Gaming: Pew Pew Is Still Packing A Punch

Audio Gaming: Pew Pew Is Still Packing A Punch

I just love it when someone thinks outside the box for a change. We're already seeing all of these first person shooters packed up on the shelves at ...

5 Online Tools & Gadgets For Those Far Away From Home!

It has been almost a month now that I have been away from home.  For me, home is Manila, Philippines, but right now my temporary home is in Cincinnati ...
Gaming Art: Beer Bottle Cap Game Characters

Gaming Art: Beer Bottle Cap Game Characters

As we have stated before, art can come in a myriad of forms, sizes and shapes and none of them are right or wrong.  It's quite interesting to know tha ...
Interesting Facts About The Angry Birds Magic

Interesting Facts About The Angry Birds Magic

Just like there was a special edition of Angry Birds for Halloween and Christmas, there will be a pink foo-foo romantic version released for Valentine ...
Most Children Learn Computer Skills Before Life Skills

Most Children Learn Computer Skills Before Life Skills

This is very interesting to me. It hits home because when I saw my sister and her three-year-old son a month ago, I noticed something that seemed a l ...
A Sad Story: Super Mario Depicted From A Darker Side

A Sad Story: Super Mario Depicted From A Darker Side

Super Mario has always been this lively happy game that we have all enjoyed since its first incarnation. There have been countless versions of the ga ...
This Exclusive iPad Case Folds And Holds It In Place!

This Exclusive iPad Case Folds And Holds It In Place!

When I received my iPad, I was overjoyed that the person who sent it to me had taken the time to find the very best, strongest and most durable case f ...
This New iPad Controller Gives You Gaming Domination

This New iPad Controller Gives You Gaming Domination

Do you have an iPad yet? I have a couple of friends abroad that just recently got theirs. Well, guess what? Congratulations on getting one, but now ...
CityVille: Building A City On Facebook Is An Instant Hit!

CityVille: Building A City On Facebook Is An Instant Hit!

If you are a Facebook user who likes to play social games then you've for sure heard of CityVille. CityVille was created by Zynga, the company that a ...
The Illest Custom Made Retro iPad Arcade Cabinet Ever!

The Illest Custom Made Retro iPad Arcade Cabinet Ever!

The iPad gets more and more retro for each new technology it adapts. This is, I know, quite a weird statement, but I can assure you that it has a poi ...
Winter Bungee Jumping For Insane People (or Teenagers)

Winter Bungee Jumping For Insane People (or Teenagers)

I know we all do crazy things when we are teenagers, but holy bajeeeezus, my stomach did flip flops just from watching this 40-second video, I can't i ...

Are You A Digital Ninja?

It is becoming more and more popular for brands to use digital technology as a medium in order to get noticed. Along with that are more and more peop ...
Comfortably Update Twitter & Facebook While You Exercise!

Comfortably Update Twitter & Facebook While You Exercise!

Oh hell yes! Let's face it, up until now; it's been hard to tweet while we are exercising, right? You might ask, "Why do you need to tweet while exer ...
Is An Angry Birds Peace Treaty Underway?

Is An Angry Birds Peace Treaty Underway?

For those of you who like playing games using your mobile device while you are waiting for a meeting to start or while waiting for your friends, you'v ...
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