Search query: art

The most hysterical 2001 Space Odyssey!!

The most hysterical 2001 Space Odyssey!!

Have you ever seen this movie?! Well, if you haven't you've most likely heard the theme to Stanley Kubrick's famed movie that opened our eyes and imag ...
Get these iPhone Accessories on your Christmas List

Get these iPhone Accessories on your Christmas List

In my last post about iphone gadgets we showed you some of the hot iphone accessories for Autumn. Now that we are close to Christmas, I want to show y ...
Who is Monitoring Twitter & FaceBook? Power of Social Media

Who is Monitoring Twitter & FaceBook? Power of Social Media

As more and more businesses are looking at social media to monitor their brands. Now even government agencies are looking at social media to monitor ...

7 Things NOT Said at the First Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I love getting together with family to share a large feast and playing "how many belt buckle holes I can drop". A ...
How To: Make Free Calls Using Google Voice & Gizmo5

How To: Make Free Calls Using Google Voice & Gizmo5

For all of you that believe there is no such thing as a "free lunch," this post is for you. Along with many others, I have been watching closely as G ...
HipnosEye | Nifty Projector for Your iPhone!

HipnosEye | Nifty Projector for Your iPhone!

For those who make presentations during business meetings, I am sure most of you like me hate carrying the big bulky projection system.  But its ...

Follow Sites…Visually!

As I am a Internet fanatic and probably should attend one of those addiction focus groups I wanted to find a faster way to feed my appetite for visual ...
The Big Bird of Twitter

The Big Bird of Twitter

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?! Or in this case and story, which came first, the tester or the founder?! Did you ever wonder who the first ...
Bloody Alien Lego Man

Bloody Alien Lego Man

I’m in a time warp when my son and I play with Lego’s. When I was a child, I used to love using my imagination to build the most unique Lego creation ...

How to use Social Media to get a Job

After what has been described as the worst economic melt-down in modern history we are finally recovering a little bit and companies are once again sl ...
10 Ways To Ruin Your Reputation On Twitter

10 Ways To Ruin Your Reputation On Twitter

We’ve all heard the saying: You spend a lot of time and effort building your reputation on Twitter, and you can ruin it all with one tweet. Well, I ...
Google OS vs Windows, a fair fight?

Google OS vs Windows, a fair fight?

Leave it to Google to teach us how to rethink for the future. The way we use our computers is changing quickly and frequently. Now imagine your comput ...
What Facebook is for…

What Facebook is for…

Social Media, the one thing to rule the Web since the Internet boom back in the end of 1990. People are constantly asking me what it's for and why one ...
Is Social Media a Fad? Here are The Success Stories!

Is Social Media a Fad? Here are The Success Stories!

Here is a follow through to the post I did on  Is Social Media a Fad? Marketing  though social media has three important aspects: 1.  Creating ...
How To: Bust A Counterfeiter With Your Mouse

How To: Bust A Counterfeiter With Your Mouse

A few weeks ago I wrote about airport security in the States using Nintendo Wii balance boards to do screening and catch the bad guys. ...
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