Search query: career

A Business Degree May Be More Versatile Than You Realize [Infographic]

A Business Degree May Be More Versatile Than You Realize [Infographic]

I'm a huge fan of being self-employed, but I can appreciate that the entrepreneurial career path is not for everyone. There are just as many people or ...
8 Types Of Difficult Clients & How To Handle Them [Chart]

8 Types Of Difficult Clients & How To Handle Them [Chart]

If you have been a freelancer for any amount of time, whether you are a consultant of some kind or even a web designer, you have probably encountered ...
Internet Dating Advice For Independent Women From The WSJ

Internet Dating Advice For Independent Women From The WSJ

I read about this a few days ago in the Wall Street Journal, and I wasn't going to write about it on Bit Rebels, but it's stuck with me, which is usua ...
What’s Important To Men & Women vs. What We Say [Infographic]

What’s Important To Men & Women vs. What We Say [Infographic]

If someone were to ask you, "What areas of your life would you like to improve the most?" would you respond differently depending on who asked you? Wo ...
Mars Rover & Higgs-Boson Nominated For TIME’s Person Of The Year

Mars Rover & Higgs-Boson Nominated For TIME’s Person Of The Year

With the Mars Curiosity Rover mission by NASA and the discovery of the Higgs-Boson particle by CERN, it has certainly been a banner year in science. T ...
Smile…How To Be Happy At Work [Infographic]

Smile…How To Be Happy At Work [Infographic]

Are you happy at work? Last year around this time, I read on Forbes that 70% of people hate their jobs. I don't know if that number has gone up or dow ...
The Habits Of Successful Leaders [Infographic]

The Habits Of Successful Leaders [Infographic]

We've all read about certain job titles that will soon be in high demand since there is a growing shortage of people going into those careers. Accordi ...
What Small Businesses Spend On Social Media Presence [Infographic]

What Small Businesses Spend On Social Media Presence [Infographic]

I remember a year ago when many companies were still struggling with how to justify hiring a social media manager. The companies who ended up hiring s ...
Then And Now Life: Offices In I970 vs. Offices In 2012 [Infographic]

Then And Now Life: Offices In I970 vs. Offices In 2012 [Infographic]

In the 1970s, the three most popular careers that women chose were either a nurse, a secretary or a teacher. They weren't the only career choices wome ...
7 Smart Ways Workaholics Can Optimize Time [Infographic]

7 Smart Ways Workaholics Can Optimize Time [Infographic]

One of the most popular buzzwords this year is "optimization," and this article is about how to optimize time. The typical workday has changed a lot h ...
Your Social Media Presence Could Be Hindering Your Job Search

Your Social Media Presence Could Be Hindering Your Job Search

Like it or not, hiring managers these days are browsing candidates’ social media accounts before making a decision to bring on board a potential emplo ...
The Most Common Phobias In Creative People [Infographic]

The Most Common Phobias In Creative People [Infographic]

Creative people who have structured their lives so they can do what they love seem to live lives of dichotomy. On one hand, they get to spend their da ...
Playboy Bunnies When They Get Older [10 Pics]

Playboy Bunnies When They Get Older [10 Pics]

The whole aging process is still such a dichotomy to me. On one hand, I feel more confident and strong as I get older, and I wouldn't trade any of my ...
Custom Business Cards & Holder All In LEGO

Custom Business Cards & Holder All In LEGO

Business cards have become a subject of focus for designers all over the world. It's seems to be a natural step for designers to design business cards ...
Midlife Crisis: Overall Job Satisfaction In America [Infographic]

Midlife Crisis: Overall Job Satisfaction In America [Infographic]

There is no question that the state of jobs and job satisfaction has changed in America over the past few decades. When I talk to people in the genera ...
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