Search query: career

America According To Twitter

America According To Twitter

Everyone that has used Twitter knows that in the very beginning of their Twitter career, people are clueless about what the service is used for. It's ...
How To: Know When To Work For Free (Freelancers)

How To: Know When To Work For Free (Freelancers)

If you are a self-employed freelancer or consultant with any amount of success under your belt, you have no doubt had to deal with people asking you t ...
Failed Tech Predictions: 1875 – Today [Infographic]

Failed Tech Predictions: 1875 – Today [Infographic]

Technology is an ever changing business, and it's all a matter of cutting to the cheese first to get the big bucks. A few days ago I had a lunch meeti ...
Almost All Social Media Gurus Are Clowns…

Almost All Social Media Gurus Are Clowns…

The title of this article may be quite a sting for some people, especially the social media gurus (or the ones that call themselves that). Whichever w ...
Life Size Lego Helmet: The ONLY Way To Listen To Audio Books

Life Size Lego Helmet: The ONLY Way To Listen To Audio Books

As I stated in the beginning of my humble Twitter career, Lego is the solution to everything, and I live by that in a way. And no, I don't mean that I ...
8-Bit Video Game Alphabet For The Learning Nerd

8-Bit Video Game Alphabet For The Learning Nerd

The way designers try to express their creativity is as multifaceted as a fly's eye. There are a few things they can do to undertake a large project, ...
Interactive Billboards: Bringing Billboards To Life

Interactive Billboards: Bringing Billboards To Life

Creating effective advertising these days can be a challenge. There are so many ads out there that compete for our attention. In addition to that, the ...
US vs. UK: A Freelancer Paycheck Comparison

US vs. UK: A Freelancer Paycheck Comparison

Being a freelancer can sometimes be very stressful, and if you don't keep up the discipline, you will find that your freelance career is quickly going ...
Fail Your Way To Success: 5 Inspiring Examples

Fail Your Way To Success: 5 Inspiring Examples

Everyone in life faces failures ever now and then. It's part of being alive and being human. However, I know from experience, when we are actually goi ...
How To: Recruit Top Talent Using Social Media [Part 2]

How To: Recruit Top Talent Using Social Media [Part 2]

As anyone might understand, recruiting new talent to your company is a science and a lot of attention to detail is needed in order to find the perfect ...
5 Reasons Why Knowing Your Strengths Is Important!

5 Reasons Why Knowing Your Strengths Is Important!

Have you ever taken a test to actually determine your strengths and your weaknesses?  I remember as a part of our planning sessions at work, we were a ...
Twitter’s Top 75 Badass Women

Twitter’s Top 75 Badass Women

A while back my dear friend HowellMarketing and I had a conversation about the influential and inspiring women on Twitter. We were both in awe of how ...
Life: The Ultimate Instruction Manual For Men

Life: The Ultimate Instruction Manual For Men

When I was growing up, my dad took good care of us.  He always made sure we had food on the table and clothes on our back.  I bet it is hard for some ...
Meet Ickle And Lardee From My Milk Toof!

Meet Ickle And Lardee From My Milk Toof!

I go through a lot of websites everyday. It's usually because I'm doing research, getting info on articles I'm writing, or of course, just getting en ...
Lady Gaga Fashion: Wear The Baconized Tie And Get The Stares!

Lady Gaga Fashion: Wear The Baconized Tie And Get The Stares!

Alright, there is no arguing that Lady Gaga is out to make an impression, whatever impression possible really. She's one of the few female artists th ...
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