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How To: Embed A Forum Into Your Website

Engaging our readers, our followers and our friends in the different social networking platforms is a daily habit for a lot of people all over the wor ...
FatTag Deluxe: Lets You Tag ANYTHING With An iPhone

FatTag Deluxe: Lets You Tag ANYTHING With An iPhone

Graffiti is one of the coolest yet most illegal activities you can embark on if you're an artist or designer. Of course, there are several types of g ...
219,000 Cigarettes – A Smoking Hot Installation

219,000 Cigarettes – A Smoking Hot Installation

I don't smoke, but I don't have anything against anyone who does. I smoked when I was attending University, but when I graduated and moved away, sudd ...
Summertime Flip Flops – Design Inspiration For Your Enjoyment!

Summertime Flip Flops – Design Inspiration For Your Enjoyment!

Summer is one of my favorite times of the year. It allows us to go to the beach or just hang out at the mall wearing t-shirts, shorts and flip flops. ...
23 Ingenious and Artistic 404 Error Pages – Design Inspiration

23 Ingenious and Artistic 404 Error Pages – Design Inspiration

I am not a designer, but I have a deep appreciation for creative and inspiring designs. I work with designers, marketing departments and creative peop ...
For Serious Sticky Note Addicts – Gigantic Sticky Notes

For Serious Sticky Note Addicts – Gigantic Sticky Notes

Earlier today Richard wrote an article entitled, "Disk-it: The Most Creative Post-It Notes Ever." I would like to issue a challenge, because I think ...
Resonate: Über Impressive Animal Tribal Artwork

Resonate: Über Impressive Animal Tribal Artwork

Alright, I have said it before but this time I really mean what I am saying. There is art and then there is art. I have sifted on the web through se ...
Human Landscapes: If Your Skin Grows Moss And Cows

Human Landscapes: If Your Skin Grows Moss And Cows

We've posted quite a lot of odd things here on Bit Rebels, and we're not about to stop anytime soon. Everything from sketches to furniture has been d ...
Heineken: Beer Crate Of The Future Keeps Your Beer Cold

Heineken: Beer Crate Of The Future Keeps Your Beer Cold

Anyone that loves beer knows that it usually comes in paper holders or old plastic containers that have been around for like 20 years or longer. Ther ...
txtBomber: Print Your Guerrilla Marketing On Any Wall

txtBomber: Print Your Guerrilla Marketing On Any Wall

Remember those matrix printers that were popular during the 80's? It sounded like it was going to drill a hole into your skull every time you started ...
Disk-it: The Most Creative Post-It Notes Ever

Disk-it: The Most Creative Post-It Notes Ever

Everyone is familiar with post-it notes. If you're not, then you must seriously be from another planet or even another galaxy. To date, there have p ...
Stunning Lexus: The Two Thousand And Future Model

Stunning Lexus: The Two Thousand And Future Model

With the world still recuperating from the economic collapse, it's not really on everyone's mind to buy the latest kind of new car. Pretty much every ...
Candy Face Artwork: Disturbing Deliciousness

Candy Face Artwork: Disturbing Deliciousness

Candy is one of the most sugar injected delicacies we humans love to eat and hate to love. There are so many negative effects that come from candy, y ...
Upcoming iPhone OS 4.0 Hints Of A Possible Branded Car Kit

Upcoming iPhone OS 4.0 Hints Of A Possible Branded Car Kit

Just when the news of the iPad and all it's wacky incorporations has finally subsided, there is news of another really interesting feature that might ...
iPhone OS 4.0 To Include Gmail Archive Feature In Mail App

iPhone OS 4.0 To Include Gmail Archive Feature In Mail App

Millions of people use Gmail each and every day. It's a highly enhanced and easy to use interface and its availability makes it one of the best email ...
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