Search query: customer

5 Free File Sharing Sites

Having a big amount of storage to save your file is crucial specially for Freelancers.  A file hosting service, online file storage provider, cyberloc ...
Epic $60,000 Giveaway | Our Gift to You!

Epic $60,000 Giveaway | Our Gift to You!

It's a new year and this very site that you are browsing right now turns 7 months old today. Excited as we all are here at Bit Rebels, we decided to g ...

Is Selling a No No on Twitter?

The question at hand is, is it  part of Twitter etiquette that it's a no no to sell your wares?  Well, if you think about it, most people still do sel ...
Google’s Favorite Place | Using QR Codes for Business

Google’s Favorite Place | Using QR Codes for Business

We have been hearing about QR Codes since early this year, but leaves you wondering how it can be used on a more practical and efficient means. Now w ...
An Alternative to Google Wave?

An Alternative to Google Wave?

There are a lot of people now using the wave, mostly for collaboration purposes, sharing of ideas and files within a group. We at Bit Rebels have don ...
Jack Dorsey Wins Again – Fair and ‘Square’

Jack Dorsey Wins Again – Fair and ‘Square’

I can honestly say my life would be dramatically different without Twitter, so I’m a huge fan of Jack Dorsey. After reading about Square, I am even m ...
Create a Personalized Holiday Cheer!

Create a Personalized Holiday Cheer!

Tired of sending the usual e Cards?  Thanks to @vimags21 who shared to me a cool find.  The GAP Holiday Cheer Factory. GAP Inc. is one of the world ...
Who is Monitoring Twitter & FaceBook? Power of Social Media

Who is Monitoring Twitter & FaceBook? Power of Social Media

As more and more businesses are looking at social media to monitor their brands. Now even government agencies are looking at social media to monitor ...
The Big Bird of Twitter

The Big Bird of Twitter

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?! Or in this case and story, which came first, the tester or the founder?! Did you ever wonder who the first ...
Exclusive Access To: Artist Misty Belardo

Exclusive Access To: Artist Misty Belardo

When I think about the artistry of Misty Belardo, I think of this quote by Henry Moore: “To be an artist is to believe in life.” Her artwork breathes ...
How To Use Social Media for Business Simple Steps

How To Use Social Media for Business Simple Steps

People go to social media to sell their product.  They bombard their followers, or readers with tons of commercials and sales pitch.  But you won't ma ...
Even Airlines Are Going Green!

Even Airlines Are Going Green!

Yes  its true even the airlines are going green.  Here is the Green Plane!  More and more companies are getting involved and making sure that our chil ...
Fresh Project Management Tool Online!

Fresh Project Management Tool Online!

With our fast paced life, we need tools to help us manage our business better and more efficient.  Now there is a new application called Timetonote. T ...
iPhone’s Secret Warranty Ending Indicators

iPhone’s Secret Warranty Ending Indicators

As the iPhone is quite new and is still being one of the most feature packed cell phones on the market there are still features leaking out that I thi ...
Create Your Own Gumby with iKITMovie

Create Your Own Gumby with iKITMovie

I remember when I was very young, one of my favorite Saturday morning cartoons wasn’t a cartoon at all. It was Gumby. In case you’ve never seen Gum ...
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