Search query: iphone

DIY Doctor Who “Crack In The Universe” For Your Own Wall

DIY Doctor Who “Crack In The Universe” For Your Own Wall

I'm a huge fan of the Doctor, and I've incorporated a TARDIS into many aspects of my life. My hand-painted TARDIS iPhone 5 cover is a great way to sta ...
Flip: Next Gen Internet Controlled Light Switch System

Flip: Next Gen Internet Controlled Light Switch System

People have always wanted to optimize things in their lives. It's like every single gadget, electronic device and even our interior design items are o ...
What You Didn’t Know About Mobile Advertising [Infographic]

What You Didn’t Know About Mobile Advertising [Infographic]

If you are an online marketer, I'm sure you're well aware of the huge spike in mobile advertising over the past year. When I say a huge spike, I'm tal ...
The State Of App Security At The End Of 2012 [Infographic]

The State Of App Security At The End Of 2012 [Infographic]

When we think about online security, the first thing that often comes to our minds is how we can keep our passwords and personal information safe. How ...
The Unexpected Consequences Of Tweeting In The Loo [Infographic]

The Unexpected Consequences Of Tweeting In The Loo [Infographic]

I’ve written about toilet tweeting several times this year, and I can’t believe I never thought about this aspect of it until today. As recently as tw ...
Moments In Tech History Every Geek Should Know [Infographic]

Moments In Tech History Every Geek Should Know [Infographic]

In order to be considered a geek in today's society, you pretty much just have to proclaim you are one. However, a true geek is said to know the intri ...
Cheapest Universal Portable Smartphone Stand To Date

Cheapest Universal Portable Smartphone Stand To Date

Almost everyone in the civilized world owns a smartphone these days. We use it in our everyday lives, and we pimp it out every chance we get. Watching ...
The Digital Shopping List Device That Will Simplify Your Life

The Digital Shopping List Device That Will Simplify Your Life

Is your fridge covered in post-it notes with stuff you need from the store? Do you find that you often forget important items when you're shopping? Do ...
2013: Web Designers & Users Will Undergo A Big Change [Infographic]

2013: Web Designers & Users Will Undergo A Big Change [Infographic]

There are some ideas that are so different and creative compared to anything we’ve ever seen; yet when you think about them more, they make so much se ...
The Only 12 ½ Writing Rules You’ll Ever Need [Chart]

The Only 12 ½ Writing Rules You’ll Ever Need [Chart]

It seems like everyone is a writer these days, and there are more blogs online than ever. It’s always fun to click over to the stats page on Wordpress ...
How To Colorize A B&W Photo Without Devaluing The Photo’s Age

How To Colorize A B&W Photo Without Devaluing The Photo’s Age

I remember back in the old days when a picture was just a picture. There were no photo filters, photo sharing sites or Photoshop. As a matter of fact, ...
Bump: Instantly Exchange Virtual Business Cards With A Fist Bump

Bump: Instantly Exchange Virtual Business Cards With A Fist Bump

I have to say that when it comes to business cards, the options are as many as there are stars on the night sky. Business cards have long been the onl ...
8 Apps To Help You Survive The End Of The World [Infographic]

8 Apps To Help You Survive The End Of The World [Infographic]

I guess we should live it up today since according to the Mayan calendar, this is our last full day alive on earth. One of our guest authors, Ben Warn ...
Stick-N-Find: Easily Find Lost Items With This Proximity Detector

Stick-N-Find: Easily Find Lost Items With This Proximity Detector

One of the greatest annoyances in today's gadget infused world is that we continuously manage to misplace them. Finding a misplaced remote control, sm ...
8 Tips To Avoid Outrageous International Mobile Charges [Infographic]

8 Tips To Avoid Outrageous International Mobile Charges [Infographic]

If you have ever been traveling abroad and then got back home to discover an outrageous phone bill with tons of international mobile charges, you will ...
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