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7 Ways to set up your Auto Tweets
One of the most talked about controversies on Twitter. Some use it to spam while some use it to tweet while they are offline to get some sleep. Some u ...
How To: Handle Meetings Efficiently
I really hate long meetings, it usually eats up a lot of my time, there are times of course that you need to do long meetings, but more often than not ...
Epson & PS3 Introduce Extreme Gaming
If you are a gamer like me, you are going to love this, it’s wicked cool. Now you can strap a PS3 to your back, a projector to your front, and you ca ...
5 Ways to Say Thank You to Your Readers/Subscribers
More and more people are getting online, majority would either go online to read blogs, listen to music, research for information or just simply have ...
Big Brother Google is Watching You
Is Big Brother Google watching you? In a word, yes. This post is not designed to frighten you, only to inform you of what some people are saying tha ...
An Alternative to Google Wave?
There are a lot of people now using the wave, mostly for collaboration purposes, sharing of ideas and files within a group. We at Bit Rebels have don ...
Everyone’s Gone Gaga For Lady Gaga
What is the deal with Lady Gaga? It seems like we can’t get enough of her. Here in the states, you hear her music everywhere you go. People in the ...
Bedroom Secrets Revealed
Today I learned that there are a lot of women that cry during sex. Of course, since I’m a big time crier, I had to learn more about this and share it ...
Cats The Musicale Will be in Manila 2010
I am truly excited that the Broadway musicale Cats will be staged here in Manila next year. What a thrill it is to also know that Leah Salonga will p ...
U2′s 360° Awesome Time Lapse Preview
For 5 years, my life evolved around creating and implementing events. Small and big ones, from mall tours, booths, parties and concerts. Engaging f ...
What’s inside the @Square | The Complete Guide
I was sitting around at the office yesterday and started to think about this whole new venture that Jack Dorsey (@jack) has launched upon the world. I ...
60 Second Google Update! – What’s New?
If you are like pretty much everyone else in the world, you interact with the big "G" on the daily. However, you may not be aware of the new and cool ...
Google Chrome – Extensions
The hardest leap from Firefox to Chrome for me was the lack of important extensions that made browsing a lot easier. I will always use Firefox for d ...
PetVille New FaceBook Game | Review
There is a new game on FaceBook with around 944,298 active users and with 162,715 fans (at time of post). The game is very similar to Pet Society. ...
Melting Men | The Art That Melts Away
Recently, artist Nele Azevedo carved 1,000 little men out of ice. She strategically placed these frozen figures on the steps in Berlin’s Gendarmenmar ...