Search query: job

Be Careful! | Your Television Can Kill You

Be Careful! | Your Television Can Kill You

Do you watch a lot of television? Do your children? I'm happy to say that because of my busy work and blogging schedule, I don't watch any televisio ...

How To: Fuel Your Passion

I love Diana's article You Want Something? Go Get It. Period. I was really moved by that post and was thinking about it for quite sometime. Passion ...
Epic $60,000 Giveaway | Our Gift to You!

Epic $60,000 Giveaway | Our Gift to You!

It's a new year and this very site that you are browsing right now turns 7 months old today. Excited as we all are here at Bit Rebels, we decided to g ...

The Psychology of Sales

I am very aware that selling is a no-no on Twitter. In this article I am not going to try to sell you anything other than your own ability to sell. ...
Get Inspired! | Interview with Designer John O’Nolan

Get Inspired! | Interview with Designer John O’Nolan

One of the best parts of being a writer at Bit Rebels and the assistant to Richard Darell is that I get to be in the company of some very talented peo ...

10 Tips To Help You Service Your Clients Better!

Being in account servicing for a long time now and seems that the new accounts people I meet have always have a hard time  doing the job.  What is cli ...

iPhone Applications To Help You Manage Your Money!

There is really an application for everything.  Imagine, having apps on your iPhone that also allows you to manage your money.  Specially with hard ti ...
Hidden FREE electricity in every home?!

Hidden FREE electricity in every home?!

Thinking about this was kinda hard at the beginning. After all, why would anyone bring in free energy straight into every household without charging f ...
Twitter shares sex habits!

Twitter shares sex habits!

How many of you are actually keeping the most private and personal information off Twitter? Today when everything is so security based and pretty much ...

10 Acts of Twitter Kindness

We would all like to know how to give and receive Twitter acts of kindness, right? I've been on Twitter for almost a year now and I don't regret it fo ...
Beware of the Adorable Killer Lamp

Beware of the Adorable Killer Lamp

Have you seen the latest spoof of the Pixar OBB (Opening Billboard)?  Well the video here is a spoof.  Pixar is a very popular animation studio, which ...
How To: Make Free Calls Using Google Voice & Gizmo5

How To: Make Free Calls Using Google Voice & Gizmo5

For all of you that believe there is no such thing as a "free lunch," this post is for you. Along with many others, I have been watching closely as G ...
Google Doodle | Sesame Street Celebrating 40 Years!

Google Doodle | Sesame Street Celebrating 40 Years!

Who does not know Sesame Street?  I think everyone has grown up with the television show.  Sesame Street recently celebrated its 40 years and Google h ...

How To | Feel happiness while designing

The design job occupation can sometimes be quite monotone and become quite dull if you don't fill it up with what makes you happy. Too many times have ...
Could You Do This When You Were 15?

Could You Do This When You Were 15?

My favorite topics to write about here on BitRebels are the stories of incredible artists that blow us away with their talent and inspire us with thei ...
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