Search query: networking

Tell Me, Why Do You Love Twitter?

Tell Me, Why Do You Love Twitter?

I love it that a lot of people have really been so engaging and now love Twitter like I do! When I started tweeting there were only a few people I kn ...

How Much Is Your Twitter Account Worth?

I love Twitter and I tweet a lot! Those who follow me on the social networking platform know this of me.  I also love making Twitter birds and while I ...

Your Life in Pictures!

People nowadays have several reasons to take pictures. We share them with our friends and most importantly, we take them so that we can update our pr ...
Digital Twitter and Facebook Business Cards | Poken

Digital Twitter and Facebook Business Cards | Poken

When @pedeveloper first told me about this digital social networking business card, I instantly knew I had to share it with you. This is brilliant an ...
Apologize The Geek Way | Card Abbreviations

Apologize The Geek Way | Card Abbreviations

With a heavy and constant load of information coming at us during the day from our computer, it can sometimes be hard to have time for everything. Tha ...

Tweetdeck v0.33 | New Features

Just updated my Tweetdeck to v0.33!  w00t!  For those new on Twitter, TweetDeck is a third party application that allows you to manage the Tweets you ...
Need Help Sorting Your Email?

Need Help Sorting Your Email?

Do you ever get days when you need to go through 250 emails waiting for you in your inbox? It's like it's just there waiting for you to go through it ...
How To: Get Your Toaster and Your Toilet to Tweet

How To: Get Your Toaster and Your Toilet to Tweet

A few days ago I wrote an article entitled, “How To: Get Your Dog to Tweet.” It was a fun article to write because there are actually dogs on Twitter ...

Want to Create an Impressive Presentation?!

I do about a hundred presentation materials each year.  Presentation materials are something that you cannot take for granted.  One must make sure tha ...

Love Videos? Tools to Keep up!

Watching videos is one of the most favorite activities that people enjoy online.  It is a great source of information (tutorials, demos) and a great s ...
Turn Your Pictures Into Digital Art Pieces!

Turn Your Pictures Into Digital Art Pieces!

Photos are our way of capturing the history of our personal lives as well as a way to create keepsakes so we can relive happy moments.  We have pictur ...

Are You a TwitterHolic?

First let us define what a TwitterHolic is.  According to the Urban Dictionary a TwitterHolic is a person who is addicted to twitter. They tend to twe ...
7 Weirdest and Wackiest Products | CES 2010

7 Weirdest and Wackiest Products | CES 2010

CES 2010 happened last January 7 - 10. It is owned and produced by CEA.  CEA  is the preeminent trade association promoting growth in the consumer te ...

Treat Your Acne With Your iPhone!

Can your iPhone actually cure your acne? Apparently the answer is yes. Soon, popping zits the old fashioned way might be an activity of the past. ...

5 cool ways to use DM on Twitter

Twitter users are growing in number.  Twitter is a micro blogging site that allows a person to share, engage and answer the question - What is happeni ...
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