Search query: stress

How To: Overcome the 3 Most Difficult Hurdles in Blogging

Blogging is fun. It is very rewarding in terms of having your thoughts, your ideas and your passions fueled. I have been blogging for over a year no ...
How To: Remove Your Shirt Instantly

How To: Remove Your Shirt Instantly

How is it that we can't get our clothes off quickly enough so we have to invent new ways to speed things up? Well, maybe it has to do with the stress ...

5 Tips To Stay Positive When Everything Is Falling Apart

Have you ever had one of those days when you feel like nothing seems to be going right?! I have had several experiences like that, and believe me, it ...

How FaceBook Games Compete for the User’s Attention

FaceBook is a fun site that allows its users to engage with their friends and family on so many different levels. Aside from the usual sharing of pic ...
The KFC Double Down Sandwich – Is This For Real?

The KFC Double Down Sandwich – Is This For Real?

Have you checked out the new Double Down KFC sandwich? In my opinion, this freak of nature fast food nastiness should be outlawed. It doesn't even l ...
Can Twitter Hugs Improve Your Health?

Can Twitter Hugs Improve Your Health?

If you follow me on Twitter, you know that I give out a lot of Twitter hugs. Each one is sincere and heartfelt. Twitter hugs are very special to me, ...

3 Useful Tips To Help You Sleep Better!

Lately, I have practicing the art of sleeping. Yes, you heard me right, sleeping. I have insomnia. One definition of insomnia is "difficulty initiat ...

2 More Tools to Share Music Online

There are so many online tools now available for geeks like me. I feel that there are more people online now than ever before because of the many thi ...
An Online Help Resource for Kids

An Online Help Resource for Kids

When I was growing up, opening up to my parents was easy. They always encouraged us to speak. I cannot imagine not being able to say anything to the ...
Gear For Girls – Only The Coolest Thing You Can Give Your Girl

Gear For Girls – Only The Coolest Thing You Can Give Your Girl

Have you ever been stressed about the fact that you never give your girl that little extra thing to make her feel special? Probably not, right? But ...

5 Ways to Simplify Life and Still Find Happiness

As our life progresses, it seems to become a bit more complicated and cluttered. I know some people who have complained to me that the number of acti ...
Tea Calendar – The Basic Living By Tea

Tea Calendar – The Basic Living By Tea

Few could have missed that I, me, moi am a heavy (which is an understatement) drinker of tea. I probably consume about 2 litres of tea each day if no ...
Meet Mac – The Jedi LightSaber Wielding Dog!

Meet Mac – The Jedi LightSaber Wielding Dog!

Aside from our cats, we have Honey, our cute dog that thinks she is a cat. She grew up with cats all around her and now she does everything a normal ...
10 Reasons Not To Block Someone On Twitter

10 Reasons Not To Block Someone On Twitter

One of the most ingenious aspects of Twitter is that if someone is annoying you or being rude, you can simply unfollow them or even block them. I hav ...
Boredom Busters | Fun Online Tools for Your Enjoyment!

Boredom Busters | Fun Online Tools for Your Enjoyment!

There are days when I am so stressed or bored that I just want to do something different from my regular online routine. Do you ever have those days ...
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