Search query: writing

Virtual Reality Contact Lenses | Bionic Is Now Here

Virtual Reality Contact Lenses | Bionic Is Now Here

So we're finally there. Life has just become a little bit weirder and nothing seems impossible any longer. When I saw Terminator for the first time, ...
Unusual Kitties That Will Make You Say Awww!

Unusual Kitties That Will Make You Say Awww!

One reason I love blogging is for the thrill of the find.  There are so many things that you can discover when you are looking for inspiration or topi ...
How To: Scare The Crap Out Of Your Friends With Your iPhone

How To: Scare The Crap Out Of Your Friends With Your iPhone

I’m giggling right now because a few days ago, @mistygirlph wrote an article about how to embarrass your friends, and now I’m writing about how to sca ...

10 Ways To Secure A Successful Tweet

Millions and millions of tweets are written every day and most of them pass by our eyes like their life span never began at all. There a bunch of fac ...

Tools To Aid In Setting Up Your Site!

I started out my blog site using a free blogging platform and after I was comfortable in knowing that I could sustain it, I decided to get my own host ...
Blowing Super Mario Is Now Generating Music

Blowing Super Mario Is Now Generating Music

Super Mario is one of the worlds most famous game characters and a legends in terms of game play and sales. Super Mario represents everything we know ...
9 Tips For Getting Your Article Published On Bit Rebels

9 Tips For Getting Your Article Published On Bit Rebels

As you’ve probably heard, we just announced a new feature on Bit Rebels. We will now be publishing your articles every day! We are very excited to s ...
What Can You Do With A Bic Biro?

What Can You Do With A Bic Biro?

Well I can't really credit myself with even being able to write very well. I have terrible handwriting, the keyboard is my friend. I do remember doo ...

Online Spelling and Grammar Help for Writers!

There are so many new applications that are created each day!  It's a good thing we have so many developers that seek out ways to create applications ...
A Twitter Milestone: The 10,000,000,000 Tweet!

A Twitter Milestone: The 10,000,000,000 Tweet!

Soon Twitter will reach a major milestone in its history and the 10,000,000,000th tweet will be sent! I think this is reason enough for a big Twitter ...

Why Is Blogging Fun?!

I love to write and it has been my dream to share in the form of writing ever since I can remember, but I never had the courage to start one until Jan ...
13 Snow Pictures To Make You Smile!

13 Snow Pictures To Make You Smile!

For several months now I’ve been watching many of my friends on Twitter tweet about snow. They talk about shoveling their cars out of snow and making ...

How Much Is Your Twitter Account Worth?

I love Twitter and I tweet a lot! Those who follow me on the social networking platform know this of me.  I also love making Twitter birds and while I ...
8 Reasons Why Geeks Make Better Bloggers

8 Reasons Why Geeks Make Better Bloggers

I’m a geek. Everyone I work with is a geek. All the writers here at Bit Rebels are geeks. Most of my friends on Twitter are geeks. So... when I sa ...
Too Many Twitter Updates?!

Too Many Twitter Updates?!

For those with friends who use Twitter,  I am sure that they would already understand why you update your Twitter feed, everyday and for others every ...
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