Tag: funny

Do You Freak Out When Your Internet Goes Down?
I like watching videos online, I usually never watch that much television anymore, because majority of the news I can already read or watch online, or ...

Misfortune Cookies – Being A Smartass Never Tasted So Good!
I love fortune cookies. They are such a fun way to end a Kung Pao chicken dinner. However, I have a few sarcastic friends who despise the Pollyanna ...

The Magic Cheezburger 8-Ball Has All The Answers!
This is so friggin ridiculous that I have to have one. Remember the magic 8-balls our parents used to play with in the old days? They are black and ...

10 Creative Motorcycle Helmet Designs
This is a new one for me. I've written about some super sweet motorcycle designs before. I've even written about the cheesiest motorcycle suit you'v ...

Bumper Stickers For Your Sneakers!
I never really realized it until today, but we have written a lot of articles about sneakers on Bit Rebels. I haven't ever thought of myself as a snea ...

Check Out My Rack and My Rump Here!
I am very much a woman and very much a meat eater, so I love the title of this article. Now you can sport your rack and your rump in this completely ...
Microsoft .NET vs. Java – The Movie Trailer
What can I say. Sometimes the people behind these spoof/marketing ideas really do their homework and create something really cool and funny. Usually ...
Humorous Star Wars Inspired T-Shirts!
I rarely wear t-shirts that have statements on the front, but when I do, I make sure that it's something that speaks volumes about who I am. Statemen ...

Completely Useless & Funny Fliers To Make You Giggle
We've all seen these kinds of fliers on telephone poles and in the supermarket, right? They usually read "Lost Dog" or "Apartment for Rent" and they ...

Can’t Afford an iPad? – Get an iNotePad!
This is great! The next generation iPad is here! Introducing the iNotePad. According to shedsimove.com, the iNotePad has been carefully crafted to ...

An Artist’s Funny Interpretation of a Weak Economy
These dollar bills made me giggle when I saw them. This artist depicts the "sick" state of our economy with these simple illustrations.
Matthew Do ...

The Most Creative Post-It Note Prank Ever
I think all of us at Bit Rebels are post-it note junkies because we've written about them so much. We've featured geek post-it notes, gigantic post-i ...

Knockoff Superheroes – Better Than The Originals?
The world is full of knock offs. There are knock offs for everything from handbags to diamond rings. When I saw this though, I couldn't believe it. ...

The Toilet Paper Emergency – The Best Use Of Twitter Yet
A lot of people say that tweets are useless and don't ever really help people right when they need it. Well, after hearing about this story, I will n ...
25 Stupid Facts About Social Media!
Social Media has been a buzz word for so long now, and we are always intrigued by the facts and figures shown us. Just recently I found out that the ...