Category: Technology - Page 347

The New Light Bulb Needs No Electricity To Light Up

The New Light Bulb Needs No Electricity To Light Up

It's been a while since I have visited this realm of electricity and how we can potentially make an environmental difference, so I thought I would dig ...
A Faceless Watch | Defining The Future Cool

A Faceless Watch | Defining The Future Cool

I am what you could call a "time collector". Not in the literal sense of the word, but I am a watch fanatic and I buy one new watch each year to cele ...
10 Unusual Clocks | Inspiration

10 Unusual Clocks | Inspiration

When you want to know the time, you look at the clock. Yes we still do that now, but clocks have also evolved into art pieces. They have become one ...
Your Flix in a Flash!

Your Flix in a Flash!

What if you want to create a video for your friend, but you only have photos and no video clips? What do you do? Good thing there are great applicat ...
Hypnotizing Clock | Spiral Time Teller

Hypnotizing Clock | Spiral Time Teller

It's the one thing we all live by and it is never the same as last time you looked at it. Of course I mean the clock and how it lets us tell when it's ...
A Tool To Help You Track Your Weight Loss!

A Tool To Help You Track Your Weight Loss!

It seems like it is easy to gain weight but so hard to lose the weight once you have gained it.  I see people really doing their best to stay healthy ...

Making Tea In An Augmented Reality World

We read about it all the time, augmented reality (AR) articles seem to be everywhere. Everyone wants a glimpse into the future, and it seems we are l ...
You And All Your Friends | Twitter From The Same Chair

You And All Your Friends | Twitter From The Same Chair

Now when Twitter is such a huge force in peoples lives and business there is no end to how much time a person is ready to spend on getting the latest ...

Tweetdeck v0.33 | New Features

Just updated my Tweetdeck to v0.33!  w00t!  For those new on Twitter, TweetDeck is a third party application that allows you to manage the Tweets you ...

AR Tool Kit Generator

We had a visitor today in the office and his job is to help agencies and companies understand and learn the fundamental of AR Technology.  Augmented r ...
The One Bike Fit For Willy Wonka | Flying Bike

The One Bike Fit For Willy Wonka | Flying Bike

I know some people who almost treat their bicycle as a religion in itself. They take it to work, to the store, to pick up the kids from the daycare an ...
The Lamp Of A Million Choices | Hexa Nest

The Lamp Of A Million Choices | Hexa Nest

For some unknown reason I am a sucker for light and therefore, lamps. It's like I am drawn to them and the weirder they are the more I like them. I a ...
Need Help Sorting Your Email?

Need Help Sorting Your Email?

Do you ever get days when you need to go through 250 emails waiting for you in your inbox? It's like it's just there waiting for you to go through it ...
Never Take A Bad Picture Again | The Photogenic Camera

Never Take A Bad Picture Again | The Photogenic Camera

How many times have you had your picture taken only to find that it looks horrendous? As a matter of fact, how many times have you had you picture tak ...
U-Socket | Power / USB Wall Socket

U-Socket | Power / USB Wall Socket

We've all seen it on our cell phones and iPods. The blinking reassurance that soon enough our phone will be rendered useless if we don't find a power ...
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