Search query: iphone

10 Twitter Avatar Creators | Image Yourself

There has been quite a lot of talk going around whether to stick to your profile picture throughout your "career" on Twitter for people to be able to ...
What’s inside the @Square | The Complete Guide

What’s inside the @Square | The Complete Guide

I was sitting around at the office yesterday and started to think about this whole new venture that Jack Dorsey (@jack) has launched upon the world. I ...
PetVille New FaceBook Game | Review

PetVille New FaceBook Game | Review

There is a new game on FaceBook with around 944,298 active users and with  162,715 fans (at time of post).  The game is very similar to Pet Society.  ...
The Symbian Opera

The Symbian Opera

These days browsers are big talk for those who use the web like some kind of drug deprived addict.  People build up a passionate loyalty to their brow ...
Jack Dorsey Wins Again – Fair and ‘Square’

Jack Dorsey Wins Again – Fair and ‘Square’

I can honestly say my life would be dramatically different without Twitter, so I’m a huge fan of Jack Dorsey. After reading about Square, I am even m ...
Twakin = Twitter + Talking

Twakin = Twitter + Talking

Wouldn't it be cool to be able to talk with your Twitter friends? Here is a tool that enables friends to now talk with each other. (drum roll) Twaki ...
Bitrebels ©h®is™@s g33k wish list

Bitrebels ©h®is™@s g33k wish list

Have you been thinking about your wish list all year? If you haven't finished all your Christmas shopping last week and need a pressie for the geek in ...
How To: Make Free Calls Using Google Voice & Gizmo5

How To: Make Free Calls Using Google Voice & Gizmo5

For all of you that believe there is no such thing as a "free lunch," this post is for you. Along with many others, I have been watching closely as G ...
10 Post Ideas To Give Your Blog A Boost

10 Post Ideas To Give Your Blog A Boost

A few weeks ago I wrote a post called How To: Get Rid of Writer’s Block. As a follow up to that post, I would like to share with you ten blog post id ...
How To | Get FREE Cell Phone service

How To | Get FREE Cell Phone service

So, someone finally cracked the big one and is now probably going to get sued by the giant cell phone service companies and likes. I am sure they are ...
Awesome Digital Billboard!

Awesome Digital Billboard!

Toyota has released a new iPhone app that attempts to educate as well as advertise the features of the Prius car… in particular it’s Draw feature is t ...

Summering 2000 | What will we remember?

As 2010 is rapidly approaching I thought we would summon up what the decade has given us and what we will remember when we go in to the new decade of ...
What is Google Docs? Do you use them?

What is Google Docs? Do you use them?

I recently discovered Google docs and man was it such a great way to be super productive. Google Docs i s a free, Web-based word processor, spreadshe ...
Inspiration is Everywhere!

Inspiration is Everywhere!

Inspiration is Everywhere - discover your perfect design.  Jump in to the thousands strong NIKEiD community to discover, share, and create from an eno ...
Wireless Charging is Here!

Wireless Charging is Here!

It used to be a dream when you can just get your gadget and charge without wires.  But now there is POWER MAT. No more tangled mess of cords or sea ...
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