Search query: watch

The KFC Double Down Sandwich – Is This For Real?

The KFC Double Down Sandwich – Is This For Real?

Have you checked out the new Double Down KFC sandwich? In my opinion, this freak of nature fast food nastiness should be outlawed. It doesn't even l ...
Pororoca – Amazingly Designed & Animated Fiction Sea Organisms

Pororoca – Amazingly Designed & Animated Fiction Sea Organisms

Everyone that knows me knows that I am a sucker for realistically animated short movies. I take every free second I have to find something that will ...
For Serious Sticky Note Addicts – Gigantic Sticky Notes

For Serious Sticky Note Addicts – Gigantic Sticky Notes

Earlier today Richard wrote an article entitled, "Disk-it: The Most Creative Post-It Notes Ever." I would like to issue a challenge, because I think ...
txtBomber: Print Your Guerrilla Marketing On Any Wall

txtBomber: Print Your Guerrilla Marketing On Any Wall

Remember those matrix printers that were popular during the 80's? It sounded like it was going to drill a hole into your skull every time you started ...
Smartphone Domino: What The iPhone Couldn’t Do

Smartphone Domino: What The iPhone Couldn’t Do

Do you have an abundance of smartphones laying around? Are they just too awkward and non interesting to use in comparison to your iPhone? There is a ...
Play Music With Your Shoes!

Play Music With Your Shoes!

Music serves as an inspiration for a lot of people including yours truly. I really enjoy listening to music when I work. It gives me the boost of in ...
Cool Star Wars Collectibles! Bring Back the Memories!

Cool Star Wars Collectibles! Bring Back the Memories!

I grew up loving Star Wars. It was a time when animation was still being perfected, and you can really see the beauty of the movie. The special effe ...
Your First Year on Twitter – 10 Significant Milestones

Your First Year on Twitter – 10 Significant Milestones

I remember the day I got on Twitter for the very first time in March of 2009. It was all so strange to me at first. I don't know how I found @cheth, b ...
iPhone Projectors: The First Working iPhone Prototype [Video]

iPhone Projectors: The First Working iPhone Prototype [Video]

So it's finally here! iPhone finally has a projector, and it looks nothing short of brilliant. The clean crisp look of it is just stunning and comin ...
Forked Up: The Most Creative iPhone Stand Yet

Forked Up: The Most Creative iPhone Stand Yet

When I got my iPhone, of course I needed a dock for it as well. It's like the store always finds ways to convince you that you need to buy a bunch of ...
3 Animals That Can Paint Better Than Me

3 Animals That Can Paint Better Than Me

Wow, this is a story with a twist. We often try to inspire you by featuring artists that illustrate extraordinary talent and creativity. However, th ...
12 Stylish Staircases – Beautiful Design Inspiration

12 Stylish Staircases – Beautiful Design Inspiration

When I was a child, I developed a love for creative staircases. I always wanted to have a spiral staircase on the outside of my house that leads to t ...
Iggy Loves the iPad – Incredible 1,225,752 Views in 3 Days!

Iggy Loves the iPad – Incredible 1,225,752 Views in 3 Days!

People who love their pets will relate to the videos that I have discovered here. For those who have been following me on Twitter and know me on Face ...
Mona Lisa – Now Viewable In A Way You’ve Never Seen Her

Mona Lisa – Now Viewable In A Way You’ve Never Seen Her

There are so many truly amazing paintings out there that are legendary treasures from the past. They are like windows in time that we get to peek thr ...
Darth Vader In Lego Land: Humor Served By Eddie Izzard

Darth Vader In Lego Land: Humor Served By Eddie Izzard

I had such a busy day today. The best defense to any day like today is to just find a good video and laugh out loud. My friend Samir shared this vid ...
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