Tag: android

Survive The Zombie Apocalypse With The Organ Trail: Director’s Cut
The Organ Trail: Director’s Cut is an indie game developed by The Men Who Wear Many Hats. The Organ Trail was initially released on their website for ...

3D Printed iRobot Is Made Available To Everyone Through Open Source
Imagine a world where everything you buy on the Internet can be 3D printed instantly in your home - no more waiting for a parcel to arrive or delayed ...
![5 Clever Tips To Help You Optimize Working On Your Smartphone [Video] 5 Clever Tips To Help You Optimize Working On Your Smartphone [Video]](https://bitrebels.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/work-smarter-on-smartphone-2.jpg)
5 Clever Tips To Help You Optimize Working On Your Smartphone [Video]
If you are like me, you carry all your mobile gadgets with you everywhere you go so you can immediately set up a mini-office in a coffee shop, in a cl ...

Calculator iPhone App Lets You Use Your Handwriting Instead Of Typing
If you are like me, you hate hopping between folders on your iPhone just to find the right app. Even more annoying is the endeavor of having to click ...
Touchscreen Desk Already Exists & Comes With A $7,000 Price Tag
There was an insanely positive response to my touchscreen desk article yesterday. It seems people really like the concept of having their very own hub ...
Android Driven Oven Lets You Control It From Your Smartphone
As we have concluded before, smartphones will soon control pretty much all of our everyday gadgets. Everything will get its controls built into our sm ...
Game Boy Mod Turns Game Boy Into Android Game Controller
One of the best things about technology is that sometimes old stuff becomes new again. What I mean is that when it comes to recycling, technology is o ...
All-In-One Dock For iOS & Android Has Features For Everything
Do you think you have the most robust and universal smartphone dock there is? If so, think again. Recently it seems manufacturers have stepped up thei ...
This Is What A Typical Female Mac User Looks Like [Chart]
We've all seen the comparisons of Mac vs. PC people, and they're always good for a giggle. Obviously everyone is different so those studies are half-b ...
What You Didn’t Know About Mobile Advertising [Infographic]
If you are an online marketer, I'm sure you're well aware of the huge spike in mobile advertising over the past year. When I say a huge spike, I'm tal ...
Bump: Instantly Exchange Virtual Business Cards With A Fist Bump
I have to say that when it comes to business cards, the options are as many as there are stars on the night sky. Business cards have long been the onl ...
Slice Keyboard: Next Gen Virtual Touch Screen Keyboard Is Here
We are finally making some progress in how we interact with our mobile devices. The virtual keyboard has been the primary solution for us all, but it ...
Android vs. iOS: Loyalty Among Users [Infographic]
Android and iOS users have always competed about pretty much everything. It's an interesting rivalry that constantly spawns new products and innovatio ...
How To Get Maximum Exposure For Your New App [Infographic]
We write a lot about how to get maximum exposure in social media for your personal and professional brand, but what about getting the most exposure fo ...
13 Vintage Apple Ads That Helped Shape Who We Are Today
I remember back in August when Forbes magazine published an article called Apple Now Most Valuable Company in History. It caused quite a stir online, ...